How to care for Thanksgiving/ Christmas Cactus. There are some tips in the description.(Dec.12,2023)
Thanksgiving/Christmas Cactus Care Light Christmas cactus (genus Schlumbergera) and the very closely related Thanksgiving cactus, generally prefer bright indirect light, Sufficiently bright light is important for blooming and overall health. Remember that leaf segments will turn reddish when they are getting too much sun and sitting in full sun all day. Water Ensure that your Thanksgiving cactus has sufficient drainage and is not sitting in excess water or staying completely dry for too long. Tap water To reduce the risk of harmful chemicals in your water, allow your tap water to sit out for at least 24 hours before using it to water your plants. This allows the chlorine to dissipate. Fertilizer you can use any balanced fertilizer for your Thanksgiving cactus. I use 10:10:10 balanced fertilizer once a month( be careful not giving too much of them each time and leave them a little bit away from your plants) Growing Medium Any freely draining soil will work. My soil mix is 3 part of an all purpose potting mix (you can even use cactus soil) and 1 part of pumice. Humidity These plants grow in humid environments in nature, so naturally, it would be ideal to recreate this indoor. You can also run a humidifier or put them around with other plants. Secrets to getting your plant to re-bloom 1. Plants need a certain number of hours of darkness The first is uninterrupted hours of total darkness at night. If you have your plant in an area where you have lamps or any other lights on at night, this will deter your plant from blooming! These plants need a dark period.These plants are short day plants, which means that they need evenings of complete darkness in late summer and fall in order to set flower buds. This is probably the most important factor. Darkness treatment. I put black bags cover on my plants. All you can use carton box to cover them,Leave them open six hours a day before evening. 2. Cool temperatures at night The other factor that helps the plant set buds is cooler nighttime temperature. Any drop in temperature at night would be helpful, with night temperature in the 55F-65F range probably being ideal. if you have a cool room, that will work well. 3. Reduce the Amount of Water if you don’t see any flower buds yet by October, reduce the amount of water that your plant receives. Allow the top half of the potting mix to dry out before watering again. These 3 things together should spark bud formation and your plant should have a full bloom soon. Once you see flower buds forming, you can start normal watering again. Propagating this plant is easy. Just take a few cuttings and then place them in a jar of water. Before you place them in water, allow them to air dry for a few days. This will allow the cuts to dry and callous over so that the segments don’t rot. Roots will grow fairly quick, and then potted them up in a good all-purpose potting soil. You can add some perlite or pumice to the soil to improve drainage. This will get very high successful rate compared with putting the cuttings directly into soil Why are my flower buds falling off? This is the most common complaint. This can be caused by inconsistent conditions such as extremes in temperature or soil moisture levels. Another situation that can cause buds to abort including allowing your soil to go bone dry while buds are growing, or even allowing your potting mix to stay too wet for too long (perhaps your plant is sitting in water). Why are the leaves on my thanksgiving cactus limp? There are a couple main reasons: Your potting mix went too dry. or your plant experienced root rot. It is best to feel the potting mix with your finger, and allow the top inch or so of the potting mix to dry out before watering again. If in the rot root situation, try to plant them by repotting into a smaller pot if necessary or you need reroot them by putting the healthier leaves in water.