All Saints Igbo Anglican Church Christmas Day Service – December 25, 2024
g**PLEASE SUBSCRIBE**PLEASE LIKE**PLEASE SHARE**PLEASE DONATE** ALL SAINTS IGBO ANGLICAN CHURCH (ASIAC) Usoro Ofufe Nru Nke Oriri Nso (Program of Holy Eucharistic Service) Ubochi Christmas (Christmas Day) December 25, 2024 LHC- Ofufe Nru Nke Chochi Nigeria (Liturgy for Holy Communion) ENA--Ekpere Na Abu Abu Nmalite (Opening Hymn) Abu 22 Lighting of the Christmas Candles Priest/Acolytes The Christ Candle—Christmas Eve or Christmas Day Usoro Okwu Nmalite/Nkwadebe (Opening Sentences) Ofufe Nru Nke Chochi Nigeria (Liturgy for Holy Communion) Kolekt maka idi ọcha nke obi (Collect for Purity) Otuto Diri Chineke N’Elu (may be omitted during Lent/Advent) Iwu iri ma ọbu Nchikọta Iwu (Summary of the Law) Nkwuputa/Mgbaghara (Confession & Absolution) Kolekt Diiri Ubochi Christmas Collect for the Christmas Day Chineke Nke puru ime ihe nile, Onye nyeworo ayi Ọkpara I muru náni Ya iyikwasi n'Onwe-ya udi madu ayi bu, ka Nwa-agbọghọ nāmagh nwoke we mua Ya na mgbe dika mgbe a; Kwe ka ayi onwe-ayi, ebe amuru ayi ọzọ, me ka ayi ghọ umu-Gi site n'ido ayi ka umu na site n'amara-Gi, ka ewe nēme ayi ohu kwa-ubọchi site na Mọ Nsọ Gi; site n'otù Onye ahu, bú Onye-nwe-ayi Jisus Kraist, Onye sora Gi na otù Mọ ahu di ndu nābu kwa Eze, otù Chineke mgbe dum, rue n'uwa ebigh-ebi. Amen. AlmightyGod, you have given us your only-begotten Son to take our nature upon him and as at this time to be born of a pure virgin: grant that we, who have been bor again and made your children by adoption and grace, may daily be renewed by your Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Ihe Ogugu Nke Mbu (First Reading) Isaiah 52:7-10 Nmadu nile ganodu ala (all seated) Onye guru akwukwo ozi ga asi: Nke a bu Okwu Onyeweanyi (This is the Word of the Lord) Mmadu Niile: Ekele diri Chineke (Thanks be to God) Abu Oma (Psalm) 98 to be Sung Full 1 Bùkuenu Jehova | abù ọ | hu; N'ihi na Ọ luwo oké ọlu | di I | che I |che; 2 Aka-nri-Ya na ogwe-aka- | Ya di | nsọ enye | wo Ya | nzọpu | ta. 3 Jehova emewo ka amara nzọ | puta- | Ya: N'anya mba nile ka O kpugheworo | ezi o | mume- | Ya. 4 O chetawo ebere-Ya na ikwesi-ntukwasi-obi-Ya n'ebe ulo | Israel | di: Nsọtu nile nke uwa ahuwo nzọpu | ta Chi | neke-a | yi. 5 Tikusienu Jehova nkpu ọṅù ike, u | wa ni | le: Tiwanu nkpu, tienu nkpu ọṅù, | bùanu | abù ọ | ma. 6 Werenu ubọ-akwara bùkue Jehova | abù ọ | ma; Werenu ubọ-akwara na | olu | abù ọ | ma. 7 Chirinu opì na olu | opì-I | ke; Tisie nkpu ọṅù ike n'iru E | ze, bù | Jeho | va. 8 Ka oké osimiri bigbọ, na | ùjú- | ya; Elu-uwa dum madu bi, na | ndi bi | nime | ya; 9 Ka osimiri nile kua | aka- | ha; Ka ugwu | tie nkpu ọ | ṅù n'o | tù; 10 N'iru Jehova, n'ihi na Ọ biawo ikpe | uwa I | kpe: Ọ gēwere ezi omume kpe elu-uwa dum madu bi ikpe, Ọ gēwere kwa izi-ezi kpe ndi nile | di I | che I | che. Otuto diri Nná, | na Ọkpa|ra: ná | — — | Mọ — | Nsọ; Otu ọ diri na mbu, ọ di ubu a, ọ gādigi|de o|tu a: we rue n'úwa | ebigh-e|bi. A | men Ihe Ogugu Nke Abua (2nd Reading) Hebrews 1:1-12 Lectern Bible (Mmadu niile ga anodu ala) Mmadu Niile: Ekele diri Chineke (Thanks be to God) Abu Maka Ozioma: (Gradual Hymn) Abu 26 Ozioma (Gospel Reading): John 1:1-14 Priest Ukochukwu: Mgbe o pkuputara ebe aga-agu Ozi Oma si: Ozi Oma nke Chineke---- Madu Niile: Otuto diri Kraist Onye Nzoputa anyi Ukochukwu: Mgbe Ogusiri ozioma, o ga asi: “Nke a bu Ozi oma Kraist”(This is the Gospel of Christ) Madu Niile: Ekele diri Kraist Onyenweanyi (Praise to Christ our Lord) Okwuchukwu (The Sermon) Priest Anthem: “A Babe Is Born I WYS” by the Choir Okwukwe Nke Nicea Mmadu Niile ga Eguzo Oto (All standing) Ekpere Irio Aririo ma-obu Ekpere Ora Madu (Prayers of the People) (to be led by wosrhip learder/congregant) Ekele Udo (The Peace) ---Onye Ozi Inabata Ndi Obia na Ima Okwa (Welcome & Announcement) Senior Warden Christmas Presentation by the Sunday School Ministry Nkwadebe Nke Ihe Onyinye: (Offertory Hymn) Abu Maka Inako Ihge Onyenye: Abu 20 Nkweadebe Nke Ihe Onyinye (The Preparation of the Offerings) Ekpere Oriri Nso (Eucharistic Prayer) Inara Achicha na iko ahu na inye ekele (Madu niile ga eguzo oto) Iyawa Achicha (Beaking of Bread) Ekere Nke Obi Umeala (Prayer of Humble Access) Ikesa Oriri Nso (Minstration of Holy Communion) Abu Maka Oriri Nso (Communion Hymn) Abu 29, 25 Ekpere Nke Onye Nwe-ayi (Our Lord’s Prayer) Ekpere Ngbe Erisiri Oriri Nso (Post Communion Prayer)-- Madu Nile (All ) Iji Koros Eweta Ihe Onyinye (Offering with Choruses) led by the Choir Ekpere Mgbasa/Ngozi (Benediction/ Closaing Prayer) Priest Carol Song—We Wish you Merry Christmas All Abu Nmechi (Closing Hymn) Abu 28 Ndupu (Dismissal) Priest