Important Words Meaning of Foods | Indian Traditional Food | Smartway Institute | Food Names
#smartwayinstitute #indiantraditionalfood #smartwayinstitutevideos #foodnamesinenglish 1. पकोड़े 2. जलेबी 3. गोलगप्पे 4. खीर 5. हलवा 6. समोसा 7. दलिया 8. आलू का पराठा 9. लस्सी 10. खोया 11. नमकीन 12. पान 13. रायता 14. घी 15. मलाई 16. मट्ठा/ छांछ 17. कचौरी 18. पूड़ी 19. आलू की टिक्की 20. मक्की की रोटी और सरसों का साग This is a list of Indian dishes. Indian cuisine encompasses a wide variety of regional cuisines native to India. Given the range of diversity in soil type, climate and occupations, these cuisines vary significantly from each other and use locally available spices, herbs, vegetables and fruits. The dishes are then served according to taste in either mild, medium or hot. Indian food is also heavily influenced by religious and cultural choices and traditions. Some Indian dishes are common in more than one region of India. See all these above English words in video kindly watch the full video. Please do not forget to share the video. Thanks for watching MD : Mohit Sharma Smartway Institute