Feeding Sourdough Starter

Feeding Sourdough Starter

Sourdough Starter I typically don’t use a scale to feed my sourdough starter. Why? I don’t need to. I need to keep my starter alive and active, but I base that off of consistency. I feed it consistently, and I know the consistency I’m looking for which is a thick batter. When I go to make bread, I make a leaven, which is basically a large batch of starter or an “off shoot” of my starter. I do use a scale to make my leaven and it’s important to do so for this step. Using a scale and ratios to feed your starter is useful if you’re making dough with your starter, preparing your starter for long term storage, or you want to control the precise window in which your starter peaks. For example, a starter fed with one part starter, one part flour and one part water (1:1:1 ratio) will peak faster than a starter fed using a 1:5:5 ratio. #sourdough #sourdoughbread #sourdoughstarter #homestead #breadmaking #bread #homesteading #sour #starter #sourdoughbaking