Introduction to Geology ⚒️/Need and scope of geology/Geophile Champs🌎 #introduction #geology

Introduction to Geology ⚒️/Need and scope of geology/Geophile Champs🌎 #introduction #geology

Introduction to Geology. Geology in Odia. by - Saurav Nanda. Geophile Champs Email- [email protected] Insta - @saurav_nanda.29 telegram - Booklist - GB Mahapatra (basics) KM Bangar (an introduction to Engineering Geology) Amal Dasgupta (basics) Dexter Perkins (crystallography and mineralogy) William D Nesse (crystallography and mineralogy) J.D. winter (Igneous and metamorphic petrology) Sam Boggs (Sedimentary petrology) PC Jain (palaeontology) Ravindra Kumar (stratigraphy) RG Park (structural geology) #introduction_to_geology #geology #earthscience #geologyexploration #geophilechamps #sauravnanda #geology_in_odia #scope_of_geology #geology_aspirant #geologypage #geologyseeker #geologystudent