Surah rahman recitaition | Ep:69 Qari Awais سو رہ رحمٰن 55 |Beautiful Recitation|edits&gfdytrewig

Surah rahman recitaition | Ep:69 Qari Awais سو رہ رحمٰن 55 |Beautiful Recitation|edits&gfdytrewig

Surah rahman recitaition | Ep:69 Qari Awais سو رہ رحمٰن 55 |Beautiful Recitation|edits&gfdytrewig QURAN RECITATION brings you life- changing things every day, so support us/it. *------*------*------*------*------ Artist voice : Qari Awais Editor: Hafiz Umar Surah Rahman By Shaikh Abdulbasit Beautiful Surah Rahman Amazing Surah Rahman Surah Rahman With Text *-------*-------*-------*------- #rahman #surahrahman #recitation #tilawat #beautifultilawat #amazingtilawat #enjoyabletilawat #surahyaseen #surahrahman #quranrecitation #surahmuzamil #tilawatwordbyword #howtolearnholyquran #quran #qurantranslation #quranpak #nature #qurantilawat #surahrahmanwithurdu #quran #surahrehman #yasin #surahyaseenrahman #qurantilawatbeautifulrecitation #surahrahmanwithurdu #surah #surahrahman #quran *-------*-------*-------*------- SURAH RAHMAN RECITATION BY QARI AL SHAIKH AVAIS EPISODE -14 |SURAH RAHMAN TARJUMA KE SATH Surah rahman with urdu translation ,surah rahman surah rahman with urdu ,surah rahman with urdu translation full,qari Abdul basit ,surah rahman in urdu translation full by qari al shaikh awais surah rahman surah Rahman with urdu translation surah rahman urdu tarjuma ke sath Qari Abdul Avais surah rahman with urdu translation full PLEASE FOLLOW US The recitation of Holy Quran is uploaded daily on this channel.This recitation is read in a very beautiful voice.This recitation is heard a lot in all countries in the world.The purpose of this recitation is to attract people to the Holy Quran.This recitation of Quran brings a lot of peace to the hearts of people.If you are also fond of listening to the recitation of the Quran,then you should to subscribe our channel to receive our daily recitation.Thank you *-------*-------*-------*------- Disclaimer : Our doesn't promote or encourage any illegal activities.All content provided by this channel (Quran Recitation) meant for educational purpose only . *-------*-------*-------*-------*------- Thanks for watching