인류의 단백질을 책임진다? 육류를 가장 많이 생산하는 국가 Top 10

인류의 단백질을 책임진다? 육류를 가장 많이 생산하는 국가 Top 10

유엔식량농업기구(FAO)가 2020년에 공개한 2019년 기준 자료를 바탕으로 소, 닭부터 노새에 이르기까지 14종의 육류 총생산량과 각각의 육류 생산량을 확인해본다 * 자료출처 Derekbalsley - Cattle Lot Roee Shpernik - Turkeys for meat 03 Prosperity Horizons - King Lam Market Fresh Meat, Greengrocer, Dried Seafood Grocery and Frozen Meat Store David Stanley - Harald Groven - Butcher shop Chongqing Vmenkov - Niujie - halal butcher - CIMG3719 Loren Kerns - Ear tagging with a cattle crush 2 (7277371954) Southern Foodways Alliance - Trigueiro martins - file:///C:/Users/HP15USER/Downloads/Galo_caipira_pesco%C3%A7o_pelado_-_IMG_0521 jpg Infrogmation of New Orleans - LangensteinsButcherACutAboveJuly2008 Vcohen - Brazilian beef tongue Wilfredor - Butcher shop close to Saúde metro station of São Paulo, Brazil Wilfredor - Charcutería y Carnicería en los alrededores de Praça da Sé Philippe Gomes - Wilfredor - Mercado Municipal of São Paulo, Brazil 3 Dmitry Ivanov - VDNKh Pavilion No 47 Pig Farming Tiia Monto - Meat in market hall2 L214 - Ethique & Animaux - Thomas Quine - rdesign812 - Alexey Komarov - Chickens in Ubezhenskaya, Russia A Vahanvaty - Government of the Russian Federation - Prime Minister Vladimir Putin tours the new factory Concord, which supplies pre-prepared meals to schools Amrithraj - Broiler Chicken kept outside of a Chicken Shop in India Destination8infinity - Vegan-Restaurant-in-Chennai-VeganeR-1 Premier gov ru - Surya Prakash S A - Meat firing Edmund Gall - Deccantrap - A man herds buffaloes Rebecca Selah - Jorge Royan - India - Kolkata Hogg market - 3396 Prime Minister's Office - The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh addressing at the presentation of the Prime Minister’s Trophy for the best Integrated Steel Plant in India, in New Delhi on February 15, 2010runran - Kritzolina - Food sold in New Market, Kolkata 07 Kathy MacPhee - kallerna - Pig farm Vampula 6 Onsemeliot - Schweine auf Vollspaltenboden in Österreich Christian A Schröder - Storage building meat companies Seligmannallee Bult Hannover Germany Tiia Monto - Meat in Augsbur Watershed Post - Dietmar Rabich - Samern, Mastbetrieb -- 2014 -- 9565 AlejandroLinaresGarcia - MeatMarketZaachila Sharon Hahn Darlin - Bernard DUPONT - L214 - Ethique & Animaux - Tomascastelazo - Butcher at guanajuato market AlejandroLinaresGarcia - CattleRoadTabasco02 On^ste82 - Frank Vincentz - Sineu - Markt 04 ies Little Savage - Mercat de la Boqueria, 2013 - 13 Little Savage - Mercat de la Boqueria, 2013 - 16 Joxemai - French meat 0006 flightlog - Preconsat - PratPotaBlava Bernard Gagnon - Gauchos in Calchaquí Valleys, Argentina 01 Robertaleotta2020 - Asago, Argentina meat Montanabw - Pack Mule L214 - éthique et animaux - Tomás Castelazo - Chickens in market David Monniaux - Pig DSC03969 Guilhem Vellut - Jordiferrer - Festival in Limoges - slaughtered pig 01 Thomas Bjørkan - Slaughterhouse cattle bodies DanTD - Pigeons at Medford Meat Farms L214 - Ethique & Animaux - Our World In Data - epSos de - PA - carcasse de porc sur scooter Bikerhiker75 - Restaurant, Butchery, Tajine, Morocco Southern Foodways Alliance - Farm Sanctuary - François Bianco -