인류의 단백질을 책임진다? 육류를 가장 많이 생산하는 국가 Top 10
유엔식량농업기구(FAO)가 2020년에 공개한 2019년 기준 자료를 바탕으로 소, 닭부터 노새에 이르기까지 14종의 육류 총생산량과 각각의 육류 생산량을 확인해본다 * 자료출처 Derekbalsley - Cattle Lot Roee Shpernik - Turkeys for meat 03 Prosperity Horizons - King Lam Market Fresh Meat, Greengrocer, Dried Seafood Grocery and Frozen Meat Store David Stanley - Harald Groven - Butcher shop Chongqing Vmenkov - Niujie - halal butcher - CIMG3719 Loren Kerns - Ear tagging with a cattle crush 2 (7277371954) Southern Foodways Alliance - Trigueiro martins - file:///C:/Users/HP15USER/Downloads/Galo_caipira_pesco%C3%A7o_pelado_-_IMG_0521 jpg Infrogmation of New Orleans - LangensteinsButcherACutAboveJuly2008 Vcohen - Brazilian beef tongue Wilfredor - Butcher shop close to Saúde metro station of São Paulo, Brazil Wilfredor - Charcutería y Carnicería en los alrededores de Praça da Sé Philippe Gomes - Wilfredor - Mercado Municipal of São Paulo, Brazil 3 Dmitry Ivanov - VDNKh Pavilion No 47 Pig Farming Tiia Monto - Meat in market hall2 L214 - Ethique & Animaux - Thomas Quine - rdesign812 - Alexey Komarov - Chickens in Ubezhenskaya, Russia A Vahanvaty - Government of the Russian Federation - Prime Minister Vladimir Putin tours the new factory Concord, which supplies pre-prepared meals to schools Amrithraj - Broiler Chicken kept outside of a Chicken Shop in India Destination8infinity - Vegan-Restaurant-in-Chennai-VeganeR-1 Premier gov ru - Surya Prakash S A - Meat firing Edmund Gall - Deccantrap - A man herds buffaloes Rebecca Selah - Jorge Royan - India - Kolkata Hogg market - 3396 Prime Minister's Office - The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh addressing at the presentation of the Prime Minister’s Trophy for the best Integrated Steel Plant in India, in New Delhi on February 15, 2010runran - Kritzolina - Food sold in New Market, Kolkata 07 Kathy MacPhee - kallerna - Pig farm Vampula 6 Onsemeliot - Schweine auf Vollspaltenboden in Österreich Christian A Schröder - Storage building meat companies Seligmannallee Bult Hannover Germany Tiia Monto - Meat in Augsbur Watershed Post - Dietmar Rabich - Samern, Mastbetrieb -- 2014 -- 9565 AlejandroLinaresGarcia - MeatMarketZaachila Sharon Hahn Darlin - Bernard DUPONT - L214 - Ethique & Animaux - Tomascastelazo - Butcher at guanajuato market AlejandroLinaresGarcia - CattleRoadTabasco02 On^ste82 - Frank Vincentz - Sineu - Markt 04 ies Little Savage - Mercat de la Boqueria, 2013 - 13 Little Savage - Mercat de la Boqueria, 2013 - 16 Joxemai - French meat 0006 flightlog - Preconsat - PratPotaBlava Bernard Gagnon - Gauchos in Calchaquí Valleys, Argentina 01 Robertaleotta2020 - Asago, Argentina meat Montanabw - Pack Mule L214 - éthique et animaux - Tomás Castelazo - Chickens in market David Monniaux - Pig DSC03969 Guilhem Vellut - Jordiferrer - Festival in Limoges - slaughtered pig 01 Thomas Bjørkan - Slaughterhouse cattle bodies DanTD - Pigeons at Medford Meat Farms L214 - Ethique & Animaux - Our World In Data - epSos de - PA - carcasse de porc sur scooter Bikerhiker75 - Restaurant, Butchery, Tajine, Morocco Southern Foodways Alliance - Farm Sanctuary - François Bianco -