God of War Ragnarok : Gameplay Walkthrough Part 15 || Vanaheim - No Commentary

God of War Ragnarok : Gameplay Walkthrough Part 15 || Vanaheim - No Commentary

#godofwarragnarok #godofwar #godofwarragnarokgameplay God of War Ragnarok finally introduces players to the lush jungles of Vanaheim, homeland to Freya’s and the rest of the Vanir gods. This realm wasn’t part of God of War (2018), but has a huge presence in the sequel. It’s not only the biggest realm in the Ragnarök — seemingly packed with more side content than all of God of War (2018), with even more to do than both Svartalfheim and Alfheim — but it features a unique day/night cycle that opens and closes different paths depending on the position of the sun and the moon. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to find all of the collectibles in Vanaheim’s main zones, from each Nornir Chest down to every last one of Odin’s Ravens. God of War Ragnarök, like God of War (2018), is a game all about exploring various realms multiple times, and uncovering more and more on each visit. This makes posting guides — and screenshots — a bit tricky. Because Kratos wears his gear on his person, there are times where you may see an item in a screenshot that you don’t have access to yet. However, despite this challenge, we’re going to do our best to preserve the God of War Ragnarök experience for first time players. We’ve listed out each location based on when you visit it, and will create a clear spoiler marker for second and third visits so you can skip over areas you haven’t been to yet. No Commentary God of War, God of War: Ragnarok, God of War Ragnarok, GoW Ragnarok, God of War Ragnarok Review, IGN God of War Ragnarok, God of War Ragnarok IGN Review, GoW Ragnarok Review, God of War Ragnarok, God of War Ragnorak Leak, GoW Ragnarok Gameplay, God of War Ragnarok Gameplay, God of War Ragnarok Story, God of War Ragnarok PS5, PS5GoW, God of War 2022, God of War Ragnarok Reaction, Ragnarok, Ragnarok Review, Ragnarok God of War, god of war ragnorak hindi, God Of War Ragnarok News Hindi, god of war ragnarok review hindi, god of war ragnarok news hindi, god of war ragnarok update hindi Kratos and Freya in Vanaheim god of war ragnarok Vanaheim walkthrough