Far Cry: Primal - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 15 - Ukri's New Stink  (No Commentary)

Far Cry: Primal - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 15 - Ukri's New Stink (No Commentary)

Check out the Walkthrough Playlist:    • Far Cry: Primal Walkthrough   A spin-off to the first person open world action game series launched by Ubisoft in 2004. Far Cry Primal strands significantly from the previous entries in the franchise, taking us back in time to the year circa 10 thousand B.C. We play as hunter named Trakkar, whose tribe has been slaughtered and who find himself in the dangerous land of Oros, where humans are nothing more than prey for prehistoric beasts. One of the most important features of the game is survival; we explore the world while completing quests, hunting various creatures, crafting useful items and learning new skills. Unlike in the main installments in the series, our hero obviously won’t find any guns in his inventory - only primitive weapons like spears, clubs, and bows. The lack of vehicles is compensated by the possibility of riding different animals. PLOT Far Cry Primal brings players to the stone age, around 12 thousand years B.C, and takes place in fictional and beautiful yet deadly land of Oros. It was formed thousand years earlier by the glaciers retreating after the last ice age, offering varied landscapes – from verdant forests to swamps and snow-covered areas. We take the role of a prehistoric hunter named Takkar, whose group wandered on the territory of a different tribe. As a result, all of his kinsmen, with the exception of Trakkar himself, were slauthered. From this moment, the hero is on his own, in a land inhabited by hostile locals and dangerous fauna. Since a lone hunter is an alluring snack for every predator, Takkar's most basic task is to form a new tribe, ensure its safety, and provide it with conditions for development. GAMEPLAY In terms of game mechanics, Far Cry Primal on PlayStation 4 offers all the distinctive traits of its predecessors, although due to different setting, each of these traits may be a little different. The game takes place in a vast, open-world environment, offering us not only story missions, but also a lot of optional quests and challenges, hostile outposts to retake, hidden collectibles and dangerous animals to hunt. Similarly to previous Far Crys, the developers concentrated mainly on providing the player with complete freedom of action and many alternative ways of completing the missions. Thanks to that, the game will offer something for fans of action, as well as for those who prefer a more stealthy approach and subtle strategies. In comparison to previous entries in the series, Far Cry Primal emphasizes the importance of item crafting. In a prehistoric setting, we are forced to create every weapon and other useful accessories from the wide variety of available materials, such as different kinds of rocks, bones, and skins of animals. Players can create various maces, spears, bows, knives, and other primitive weaponry, and fire is an extremely important part of gameplay, having key role not only in survival, but also providing many tactical options (e.g. scaring off wild animals, or guiding them into hostile tribe's settlements). The lack of vehicles is compensated by the possibility of riding various species of animals, allowing you to travel the land of Oros much faster and effectively than on foot. Upload Schedule We try to upload daily, but it's mostly random. My channel is all about helping you (the viewer) find stuff as quickly and the easiest way possible,without having to waste your time. We upload top tens,walkthroughs,gameplays,clips, and other cool stuff like secrets,and easter eggs and tips and tricks. In the future we will be uploading toy unboxings for your enjoyment. Follow me on twitter for exclusive updates and to keep up to date:   / riseofasoljatv