Herpes tests can be false positive or negative #herpes #viralshorts #shorts #shame #vulnerability
Testing for herpes can be helpful and frustrating due to inaccurate results. However, considering the risks for all sexually transmitted diseases and emotional ties should be considered prior to partaking in intimacy with others. Listen in to the incredible discussion with Beth Bell and Sexologist Nick Karras as they discuss all things herpes, the taboo topic. We help you to transform one of the - thought to be - most shameful topics into a having herpes as a gift! Yes, for real. 👍🏽 Subscribe to my channel. ✨Learn more with the Awakening and Healing Handbook 👉🏽http://bit.ly/3kG7pYq Learn about my trauma with herpes as I share intimate details in my book "Angels, Herpes and Psychedelics" 👉🏽Want to buy the book📚? Here's the link* https://amzn.to/3US0S9z STILL NOT READY to have the conversation with potential sexual partners? Sign up on this reputable dating site that I recommend called Positive Singles via this link to be associated with my special offers 👉🏽 bit.ly/3XTcYCh Learn more about Nick's work at www.nickkarras.com or buy his book Petals which is about the central mystery of women’s body - the full flower of her vulva 📚👉🏽 https://amzn.to/3D8QZOI You'll receive more insights to help you break through your beliefs and tap into your inner wisdom! Learn more at www.BethBell.me and 👉🏽Sign up for the Bliss Book 📚Club here: https://bethbell.me/product/book-club... #transform #relationships #leverage #lifelessons #psychedelics #trust the #plan #bestsellingauthor #bestsellingbook *affiliate links may receive a commission from purchases Please comment with your questions and concerns. We're here to help. Beth Bell Advisor I Author I Entrepreneur Transforming Relationships to Love and Life www.BethBell.me As a relationship transformation expert and a spokesperson for psychedelics, Beth brings sage wisdom from decades of deep diving into all things spiritual. Her life experience have culminated into a passion encouraging and empowering others to either dive into their awakening journey. Why? Because she believes "love is the new currency" and asks the question, "How rich are you?" Beth Bell spent more than 16 years as a marketing executive leading strategic brand planning and more for the pharmaceutical industry. But somewhere between C- suite level meetings and marketplace assessments began listening more closely to the world around—and within—her. What she heard led her eventually to ditch her corporate life becoming a flower whisperer and owning her deeper purpose of “pollinating the planet with love.” As an entrepreneur, she’s designed a line of handcrafted silver jewelry made in Bali. Currently, she resides on the west coast of America with her rescue dog Lily. Instagram: @Queen Bliss Bee Amazon Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/positivei...