겨울에만 맛볼 수 있는 소문난잉어빵 남양주 도농동 다산동 붕어빵은 여깁니다! Korea winter street food called Fish-shaped bun!
오로지 겨울에만(?) 먹을 수 있는 붕어빵! 여긴 정말 맛있고 저렴해서 자주 갑니다! Fish-shaped buns that is only available in winter season! This is a place I go often because it's so delicious and cheap! #koreawinterfood #winteronly #fishshapedbuns #fishshapedbun #koreafood #koreanfood #food #streetfood #koreastreetfood #redbean #붕어빵 #길거리음식 #겨울음식 #겨울길거리음식 #잉어빵 #슈크림잉어빵 #슈크림붕어빵 #슈크림붕어빵 #팥붕어빵 #팥잉어빵 #겨울간식 #한국간식 #단팥 #소문난잉어빵 #도농잉어빵 #다산잉어빵 #다산붕어빵 #도농잉어빵