Admission in University with No/Less Fee :: 6 Ways to Study in University when You can't Afford it |
Most of Pakistani students are unable to bear the expenses of Higher Education and quit their studies after Matric or Intermediate. The education in Universities has become costly. Here is the complete detail about how to get admission in University with no or less fee. This video explains 6 ways to study in university when you can't afford the heavy fee. All those students who cannot pay the fee of Universities/Colleges must watch this video in order to know the options available to managing their study expenses and complete their bachelors degree with low fee. By M. Zahid Iqbal (PakEduCareer) #UniversityScholarship #LowFeeUniversities #FreeStudy ________________________________ Follow us on Social Media Forums Facebook: / pakeducareer Instagram: / pakeducareer ________________________________ Join Maqsad App for MDCAT preparation; complete course with Video Lectures, Practice Tests with 10,000+ MCQs Bank and DoubtSolve option to get video solution in 3 seconds. Price Rs. 7,000/. Use our Promo Code PEC to avail Rs. 2,000/ discount (final price after applying Code is Rs. 5,000). Download the App from this link: https://app.adjust.com/t6hmxc6 Complete Detail of Joining Maqsad App MDCAT Session: • MDCAT Complete Preparation in Rs. 500... ________________________________ Join PreMed.PK and get 34000+ MCQs Bank, 80+ Full-Length Yearly Past Papers and Practice Tests for MDCAT, NUMS & AKU Entry Test in just Rs. 2000/ till entry test date. Use Promo Code PAKEDU and get 15% discount (Price Rs. 1700/ after using Promo Code). Sign up and access 1500 MCQs, 10 Past Papers and 7 Full-Length Yearly Papers for free; join complete session after satisfaction. https://premed.pk/ ________________________________ Study in China [MBBS, BDS, Pharmacy, Diploma, Bachelor's, Master & PhD Programs] Full Scholarships also available. Contact with Dar-Ul-Sakafat International College Call or WhatsApp: 0317-5555595 Facebook: / darulsakafatinternationalcollege ________________________________ Join PakEduCareer Professional WhatsApp Group to get all educational news and information on daily basis which includes: ✨ Universities/Medical Colleges Admission Notifications with detail ✨ All Entry Tests (MDCAT, NUMS, ECAT, NET, USAT etc) ✨ National & International Scholarships ✨ Army/Navy/Air Force Joining Programs ✨ Board Exams, Admissions & Result + Improvement ✨ Merit Lists, Schedule, Statistics ✨ All Educational News, Announcements & Notifications Now you can join the Professional WhatsApp Group ♦️ For 3 Months in Just Rs. 200/ ♦️ For 6 Months in Just Rs. 300/ ♦️ For 1 Year in Just Rs. 500/ Send the amount in any of the following Accounts, and WhatsApp your name, mobile number and screenshot of payment at 0321-7937385. ◾ Easypaisa Account 0321-7937385 (Zahid Iqbal) ◾ JazzCash Till ID Number 00292956 (PakEduCareer) - (i) Select Scan QR option at the bottom of JazzCash App and enter Till ID. (ii) or Dial *786*10# and enter Till ID 00292956. ◾ Meezan Bank Account 04100104980593 (M. Akbar) ◾ IBAN No. for Out of Country Transaction PK27MEZN0004100104980593 ------ Join our Free WhatsApp Trial Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kua6w8k4G0C... ________________________________