8 beautiful freshwater aquarium fishes that are believed to bring good luck

8 beautiful freshwater aquarium fishes that are believed to bring good luck

8 beautiful freshwater aquarium fishes that are believed to bring good luck From the common Goldfish to the expensive Arowana, here we list some beautiful freshwater aquarium fishes that are believed to bring good luck to their owners in various cultures. -Arowanas, also known as Dragon Fish due to their resemblance with dragons, are considered symbols of wealth and prosperity in Feng Shui. Keeping Arowana at home is believed to bring good fortune to their owners. -One of the most common freshwater aquarium fishes to have, the Goldfish are believed to attract wealth and good luck according to Feng Shui. As per Vastu Shastra, keeping 8 gold fishes and 1 blackfish is believed to bring positivity at home. -In some Asian cultures, keeping Flowerhorn Cichlids is believed to bring good fortune to their owners. Flowerhorn Cichlids have a distinct and bright-coloured head, which makes them unique. -In Japanese culture, Koi fish are symbols of strength, perseverance, and good luck. These beautiful fishes are often kept in large tanks or ponds. -The Black Moor goldfish are often believed to ward-off negative energies, thus safeguarding their owners. Their unique appearance is said to bring a feeling of safety and calmness. -The beautiful looking Angel Fish are said to bring calmness at home and positivity at home. -Betta fish, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, are known for their beautiful and colourful tails. In some Asian cultures, they are believed to ward off negative energy and bring positivity when kept in home aquariums. -A common freshwater aquarium fish, the Guppies are small, colourful, and energetic fishes. They are believed to bring positive energy and good luck to their owners due to their playful nature.