The Book of Ezekiel (ESV) | Full Audio Bible with Text by Max McLean
Summary: How can you cope with a world gone astray? Ezekiel, destined to begin his life’s ministry as a priest at age thirty, was uprooted from his homeland and marched off to Babylon at the age of twenty-five. For five years he languished in despair. At age thirty a majestic vision of Yahweh’s glory captivated his being in Babylon. The priest/prophet discovered God was not confined to the narrow strictures of Ezekiel’s native land. Instead, He is a universal God who commands and controls persons and nations. In Babylon, God imparted to Ezekiel His Word for the people. His call experience transformed Ezekiel. He became avidly devoted to God’s Word. He realized he had nothing personally to assist the captives in their bitter situation, but he was convinced God’s Word spoke to their condition and could give them victory in it. Ezekiel used various methods to convey God’s Word to his people. He used art in drawing a depiction of Jerusalem, symbolic actions and unusual conduct to secure attention. He cut his hair and beard to demonstrate what God would do to Jerusalem and its inhabitants. Ezekiel’s book can be divided into four sections: Chapters 1-24: prophecies on the ruin of Jerusalem Chapters 25-32: prophecies of God’s judgment on nearby nations Chapter 33: a last call for repentance to Israel Chapters 34-48: prophecies concerning the future restoration of Israel ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ 🚩Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE If you like this Video #bible #ezekiel #esv #englishstandardversion #audiobible