"영화:라붐OST, La Boum 1980 / Richard Sanderson-Reality"  [ect.165]

"영화:라붐OST, La Boum 1980 / Richard Sanderson-Reality" [ect.165]

리처드 샌더슨이 부른 소피 마르소 주연 추억의 영화 "라붐"의 OST를 감상하시며 편안한 시간들 보내세요 건강하세요 -bluesky~tour🐾- Have a relaxing time while listening to the OST of "Laboum", a memorable film starring Sophie Marceau, sung by Richard Sanderson stay healthy *구독과 좋아요 알림은 저에게 힘이 됩니다 *Subscription and like notifications are a source of strength for me ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #라붐#라붐1#소피마르소#프랑스영화#영화OST#리처드샌더슨#RichardSanderson#Reality *리처드샌드슨 공식채널/Richard Sanderson Official Channel: * *리처드샌더슨에 관한 자세한 정보는 아래링크를 참조하세요 *See the link below for more information about Richard Sanderson * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [라붐] *개봉:2013 10 24 *등급:15세 관람가 *장르:드라마, 멜로/로맨스, 코미디 *국가:프랑스 *러닝타임:109분 *배급:(주)앤드플러스미디어웍스 *감독:클로드 피노토 *주연:소피 마르소, 클로드 브라소, 브리지트 포시 *조연:데니즈 그레이, 알렉산드르 스털링 [줄거리] 13살 소녀, 낭만의 도시 파리에 오다! 파리로 전학 온 첫 날, 13살 소녀 빅(소피 마르소 분)은 새로운 친구들을 사귀며 즐거운 학교생활을 시작한다 이제 막 이성에 눈을 뜨기 시작한 소녀들 잘생긴 학교 선생님부터 학교 인기짱 남학생까지 그들의 이야기만으로도 시간가는 줄을 모른다 13살 소녀, 첫사랑을 만나다! 어느 날 친구들의 초대로 가게 된 파티에서 잘생긴 친구 마티유(알렉산드르 스텔링 분)를 만나게 된다 첫눈에 반한 그녀 마티유는 디스코에 빠져있는 친구들 틈에서 빅에게 헤드폰을 씌워주며 둘만의 로맨틱한 시간을 만든다 13살 그녀, 사랑이 어렵다! 사랑이 어려운 13살 소녀 빅, 그녀는 고민 끝에 친구처럼 지내는 할머니 푸펫트(故 데니즈 그레이 분)에게 사실을 고백하고 연애코치를 받는다 첫사랑 그와의 짜릿한 밤을 위해 할머니와 작전을 짜고 드디어 감행하기에 이르는 데… 빛나고 아름다웠던 시절, 모든 것이 서툴지만 행복했던 이들의 사랑 이야기가 지금 시작된다 [네이버영화] [영화시청:Watching movies] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [La Boom] *Released: 2013 10 24 *Rating: 15-year-old audience *Genre: Drama, Melo/Romance, Comedy * Country: France *Running time: 109 minutes *Distribution: And Plus Media Works Co , Ltd * Director: Claude Pinotto *Starring: Sophie Marceau, Claude Brassot, Brigitte Posey *Supporting Actors: Denise Grey, Alexander Sterling [summary] A 13-year-old girl comes to Paris, the city of romance! On the first day of her transfer to Paris, 13-year-old Vic (played by Sophie Marceau) starts her fun school life by making her new friends Girls who are just starting to open their eyes to the opposite sex From the handsome school teacher to the most popular boy in school, just talking about them keeps you from passing time A 13-year-old girl meets her first love! One day, at the invitation of her friends, she meets her handsome friend Mathieu (played by Alexandre Stelling) at a party She fell in love with her at first sight Mathieu puts her headphones on Vic in the midst of her friends who are into her disco and makes a romantic moment for the two of them 13-year-old girl, love is difficult! Vic, a 13-year-old girl whose love is difficult for her, confesses her truth to her grandmother Puppet (played by the late Deniz Grey), whom she treats like a friend after her troubles, and receives her dating coach For her first love, her exhilarating night with him, she plans a plan with her grandmother and finally ventures out The shining and beautiful days, the love story of those who were clumsy but happy begins now [Naver Movie] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Richard Sanderson] Reality Met you by surprise Didn't realise That my life would change for ever Saw you standin' there Didn't know I'd care There was something special in the air Dreams are my reality The only kind of real fantasy Illusions are a common thing I try to live in dreams It seems as if it's meant to be Dreams are my reality A diff'rent kind of reality I dream of loving in the night And loving seems all right although it's only fantasy If you do exist Honey, don't resist Show me a new way of loving Tell me that it's true Show me what to do I feel something special about you Dreams are my reality The only kind of reality Maybe my foolishness is past And may be now at last I'll see how the real thing can be Dreams are my reality A wond'rous world where I like to be I dream of holding you all night and holding you seems right Perhaps that's my reality Met you by surprise I didn't realise That my life would change for ever Tell me that it's true Show me what to do I feel somethin' special about you Dreams are my reality A wond'rous world where I like to be Illusions are a common thing I try to live in dreams although it's only fantasy Dreams are my reality I like to dream of you close to me I dream of lovin' in the night And lovin' seems alright Perhaps that's my reality ---------------------------------------------------- [음원:Soundtrack]