Youth Sunday-4/17/2022 | 11AM | Worship Service | Bishop C. Chambers, Sr. | COGOP
Welcome to the Church of God of Prophecy! Thank you for tuning in! Please remember to subscribe to our YouTube Channel - "JAVE COGOP", so we can promote the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! / @churchofgodofprophecyhempstead Senior Pastor: Bishop Carlton Chambers, Sr. Associate Pastor: Rev. Errol Brown ******* We Do Not Own The Rights To The Music Aired In This Broadcast****** #VituralWorshipService • Consecration Sunday-10/3/2021 I 8AM I... #javecogoptv #8AM #moreviews #virtualworshipexperience #virtualworshipservice #virtual #hempstead #sundayworship #churchofgodofprophecyhempstead #jave #cogop #tv #churchofgodofprophecy Youth Sunday - April 17, 2022 | 11AM | JAVE Virtual Experience | Resurrection Sunday | COGOP Chapters | Timestamps 0:00 Welcome To The Church of God of Prophecy - Hempstead! 3:34 Welcome To The Resurrection Sunday Worship Experience!; Sis. Nichelle Brown 5:44 Collaborative Worship JAVE COGOP WORSHIP TEAM 30:01 Moderator: Lay Minister Valinda Brown 32:32 Days Scripture Verse: Philippines 1; Lay Minister Valinda Brown 40:00 Prayer The Power of Prayer for the Sick and Other Needs 45:00 Public Relations: Announcements 46:00 Tithes & Offering - Give To JAVE COGOP Hempstead Here: https://cogophempstead.org/giving/ 1:00:00 Moderator: 1:22:35 Speaker: Bishop Carlton J. Chambers, Sr. 1:29:00 Scripture: 1:40:00 Topic: " 2:40:00 Altar Call 2:42:00 (Outro) Thanks For Tuning To Our Worship Experience! ******* We Do Not Own The Rights To The Music Aired In This Broadcast****** Our Mission: The Mission of the Church of God of Prophecy is to bear witness for Christ and His truth and to spread the gospel of the Kingdom in all its fullness and power, so that the truth of God is brought about in the hearts of men. Giving: If you are interested in giving, or providing an online donation to the Ministry. Please go to our Church website link per below. May God bless you and keep you. https://www.cogophempstead.org Email: [email protected] Phone: (516) 486-7010 Fax: (516) 505-8621 Follow Us! JAVE COGOP Social Media: Facebook: / church-of-go. . Instagram: / cogophempst. . Twitter: / cogophempstead1 ****We Do Not Own The Copy Rights To The Music Aired In This Broadcast**** Standard YouTube License Provided by YouTube! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------