Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Season 1 Episode 2 | “The Harvest” Reaction
Want full uncut reactions and early access? Support a balding man here → / averyreacts Welcome to my channel! Today, I’m diving into Episode 2 of *Buffy the Vampire Slayer*—“The Harvest.” Buffy and her new friends race to stop a dangerous ritual that could bring chaos to Sunnydale. Can the Slayer and her team save the day, or will the vampires win? Whether you're a die-hard fan or watching along with me for the first time, I hope you enjoy my reaction to this iconic 90s show from the glorious Whedonverse. WATCH MORE BUFFY REACTIONS Binge the full playlist here: • Buffy Season 1 Reactions TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS! If you liked it, loved it, or can’t stand the sight of me, feel free to drop a comment with your favorite moments, suggestions, or the first random thought that pops into your head—I’d love to hear from you! Or don’t, don’t is great too! CONNECT WITH ME For stand-up comedy and questionable life choices: Instagram: / averycomedy