I Drank OKRA WATER Every Morning For 1 Week And This Happened.

I Drank OKRA WATER Every Morning For 1 Week And This Happened.

#okrawater #fertilitytips #okrabenefits * * OKRA WATER for Fertility. In today's video I share some amazing health benefits of drinking okra water. While there are not enough specific research to support "these claims" okra water may be linked to several health benefits due to its plant compounds and hydrating effects. Points Discussed: 1. It keeps you feeling full Okra's dietary fiber helps you feel full for longer, which will keep you from snacking on those stray potato chips after dinner. 2. It's great for your digestion The fiber is the main factor here again. High fiber content is great for the digestive tract and keeps you going more regularly. This not only helps keep your weight down, but makes you healthier over all. 3. It's a low calorie food It's always nice when a food can satisfy your hunger and help you stay trim. The low caloric count of okra means you can definitely scoop another spoonful onto your dish and still see the numbers go down on the scale. 4. It's a diuretic That means it helps the body detoxify itself and helps you shed excess water weight. A great weapon in your arsenal for de-bloating! 5. It helps control cholesterol levels The pectin in okra lowers LDL or bad cholesterol, which improves cardiac function. 6. It's great for fertility. It can help pregnant women delivery quick and easily, folate in okra can also help with DNA and cell formation. folate in okra can also reduce the risk of birth defects in the developing baby. For women trying to conceive, okra water can help to increase estrogen, libido and serve as natural lubricant. * * * Disclaimer: My videos are intended for general information only and should not be used as the basis for any diagnosis, patient treatment or a substitute for medical professional advice. It is safest to seek professional medical help for any fertility or health issue you may have.This channel does not take responsibility for any harm, side effects, illness. _ ABOUT ME: Hi! I'm Nosa. I'm passionate about promoting fertility awareness to help women connect better with their bodies, and be able to make the best choices, to achieve their fertility goals. My videos are a little bit of everything, menstrual cycles, period products, motherhood, lifestyle and more. I try to make my videos informative and relatable, so i hope you find my contents helpful. Thank you for subscribing and watching 😊🌸💕 _ CONTACT Do you have a product that you feel aligns with my content and would benefit my audience? Let's work together: [email protected] Follow me on Instagram: @   / nosagirl   * * * My Favorite Ovulation Tracker Apps FLO APP: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1038369065 Premom app: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1279295922 Glow app: https://apps.apple.com/app/id638021335 Ovia app: https://apps.apple.com/app/id570244389 * * * * * HIGHLY RECOMMEND VIDEOS Best cervical mucus to conceive -    • BEST CERVICAL MUCUS TO GET PREGNANT F...   Signs of ovulation for TTC:    • HOW TO KNOW YOU ARE OVULATING WHEN TR...   How To Calculate Ovulation -    • How To Calculate FERTILE DAYS, OVULAT...   Live ovulation test -    • HOW TO ACCURATELY TEST FOR OVULATION ...   How to track your cycle -    • (TMI) How to AVOID PREGNANCY The Natu...   Early Signs Of Pregnancy -    • If This Is Happening, YOU ARE PREGNAN...   Foods To Boost Fertility -    • I Changed My Diet Twice To Conceive. ...   How to conceive boy:    • HOW TO INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF CONCE...   How to avoid pregnancy naturally -    • (TMI) How to AVOID PREGNANCY The Natu...   Signs You're Having A Boy -    • If This Is Happening, YOU ARE HAVING ...   Fertility Teas -    • BEST FERTILITY TEA | 5 Teas That Boos...   _ health benefits of okra water, okra water benefits, okra for diabetes, okra and diabetes, benefits of drinking okra water, okra good for diabetes, benefits of drinking okra, okra water good for diabetes, okra for diabetes treatment, okra remedy for diabetes, benefits of okra water to ladies, drinking okra water in the morning, benefits of okra water for weight loss, benefits of okra water to man, health benefits of okra water, 20 health benefits of okra, health benefits of okra leaves, health benefits of okra slime, 10 health benefits of okra, health benefits of okra water for fertility, soaked okra water benefits, drinking okra water benefits, #fertilitydiet #pregnancyfoods #pregnancysupplement #pregnancycare #babygirl #twins #howtoconceivetwins #bestfertilityfoods #fertilitydiet #implantation #signsofimplantation #implantationbleeding #howtogetpregnantfast #howtotestforovulation #bestfertilityfoods #ovulation #period #howtogetprenantfast #howtopreventpregnancy #pregnancy #fibriods #fertility #ovulationtestkits #pregnancytest #mybirthcontrolexperience #fertilitydiet #hormonalimbalance #tryingtoconceive #baby #babyboy #implantationbleeding #implantation #ivf #ivfsuccess #pregnancyannoucement #howtogetpregnantfast #howtoconceive2024 #howtoconceiveababyboy #fertilityfoods #health #healthyfood #healthtips #healthylifestyle #womenhealth #pregnancy #pregnancytest #pregnancytips #pregnancyjourney #howtochartwithfertilityapps #signsofovulation