Releasing the Fear of Rejection

Releasing the Fear of Rejection

Brynne E. Dippell, Ph.D. Contact: [email protected] Hello! I just wanted to share a quick note with you. YouTube, in its at times unfathomable and unexpected algorithmic prescience, suggested this TED Talk on rejection over the weekend. "What I Learned from 100 Days of Rejection" by Jia Jiang    • What I learned from 100 days of rejec...   "Hmm," I wondered, "Does YouTube think I have an issue with fear of rejection?" Well, don’t we all... :) Especially the sensitive ones, the ones who are seeking to change the world in ways large and small. When I clicked on the link, my attention was drawn to the first comment that said the video was "Kelly’s" favorite TED Talk ever. He said, "wow, i've watched a lot of ted talks and this is my favorite one. he's so genuine, his story is so relatable and i want a burger refill." Based on the power of Kelly’s words, I listened to the talk. It was delightful. In a warm, humorous way, Jia related the story of his fervent desire to make an impact, complicated by his deeply rooted fear of rejection. As a teenager in Beijing, Jia had been inspired by a hometown talk by Bill Gates. The speech catalyzed his ambition to build a global company that would allow him to purchase Microsoft by age 25. When, at 30, he had not even come close to fulfilling this dream, Jia realized he needed to look at why. He discovered he hadn't taken the steps to build the business, or any business, because he was afraid. Jia then embarked upon a 30-day challenge with the goal of being rejected every day in an attempt to release his fear. His initial adventures in rejection were both touching and at times hilarious, but most of all, the experience quickly gave him the sense that he could do anything. The process also coincidentally helped him find his life purpose: helping others overcome fear of rejection. To document his challenge, Jia created a video blog of his adventures, and one of his early experiences was viewed by 5 million people. As an unintended consequence, Jia became a bit of a sensation. Jia’s story is both amusing and engaging. I hope you enjoy it. Please be sure to stay til the end, where he brings it all together. The Record Keepers say: We wish to share with you a bit of human delight and to use this as a pathway to encourage you to overcome any reticence or hesitation you may have about sharing your own light. If you are here, reading these words, you are important, and dare we say, a light worker. You are one who has come here to change the world. Your contribution is uniquely your own. Take a moment to breathe and connect with your soul essence. Ask quickly what your heart would most like to share with the world. Jot down a note or two, whatever first comes to mind. Make the commitment to yourself that you will take concrete action in support of your larger vision in the next two days. Challenge yourself to move. It may not be necessary to put yourself in the pathway of rejection for 30 days as Jia did, and yet, you'll likely have to learn to overcome fears of your own. Just do it. :) You may discover it is easier than you think. In love and inspiration, Brynne #akashicrecords #love #higherself #intuition #brynnedippell #healer #soulsjourney #soulpath #soulsdivinepurpose #thelovecourse