GTA Vice City Stories - All Vehicle Missions (Paramedic, Fire Fighter, Beach Patrol & More)
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Side Missions Guide / Walkthrough Video - All Vehicle Missions (Vigilante, Paramedic, Fire Fighter, Taxi Driver, Air Rescue, Beach Patrol and Fire Copter) GTA Vice City Stories Side Missions Playlist: https://bit.ly/3ajR6ZB ► YOUTUBE: / gtaseriesvideos ► INSTAGRAM: / gtaseriesnews ► FACEBOOK: / gtaseriesnews ► TWITTER: / gtaseries ► DISCORD: / discord 0:00 Vigilante 2:58 Paramedic 6:03 Fire Fighter 8:34 Taxi Driver 11:15 Air Rescue 14:12 Beach Patrol 18:13 Fire Copter #GTA #ViceCityStories #GTASeriesVideos #RockstarGames ABOUT US GTA Series Videos is a dedicated fan-channel in no way tied to Rockstar Games or Take-Two Interactive. Here you can find all the latest news, video walkthroughs and official trailers of the most successful video games published by Rockstar Games, including Grand Theft Auto series, Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne, L.A. Noire, Bully and many others. ABOUT GRAND THEFT AUTO VICE CITY STORIES Vice City, 1984. Opportunity abounds in a city emerging from the swamps, its growth fueled by the violent power struggle in a lucrative drugs trade. Construction is everywhere as a shining metropolis rises from foundations of crime and betrayal. As a soldier, Vic Vance has always protected his dysfunctional family, his country, himself. One bad decision later and that job is about to get much harder. Kicked out onto the streets of a city torn between glamour and gluttony, Vic is faced with a stark choice - build an empire or be crushed.