একদম অল্প সময়ে ঝটপট বানিয়ে নিন খুবই মজার নুডুলস এর পায়েস রেসিপি || Noodles Payesh Recipe.
Assalamu Alaikum,,,, Ingredients: 1. Noodles 180g. 2. Milk 1.5 L. 3. Sugar 1/2 cup. 4. Condensed Milk 1/4 cup. 5. Powder milk 1/4 cup. 6. Bay leaf 1, Cardamom 2. 7. Salt. #নুডুলস_এর_পায়েস_রেসিপি/Noodles_payesh_recipe. #Shornas_Cooking_House. This is my new youtube channel.If you like this video,then make sure to subscribe my channel and keep supporting me. Thank you so much for watching. Allah Hafez.