[아이 캔 스피크] '아베 총리' 생일과 겹친 개봉일 (빅픽처?!) 방구석1열(movieroom) 15회
[아이 캔 스피크] 개봉일과 겹친 아베 총리의 생일 ㅋㅋ 김현석 감독의 뜻깊은(?) 생일 선물ㅋㅋ Please enter subtitle of this video in your own language Anybody can enter subtitle by referring to existing English subtitle You can make viewers all over the world pleased with your subtitle Please click below link if you are interested in participating with subtitle ◎ SUBTITLE SUBMITTING TUTORIAL ✍ Contribute closed captions and subtitles ☞ ▶ "JTBC Youtube channel communicating with fans faster" View more videos & informations ☞ 📢 Homepage : 📢 Youtube : 📢 Facebook : 📢 Twitter : 📢 INSTAGRAM :