13 things you need to know in your 20s (from someone in their 30s)

13 things you need to know in your 20s (from someone in their 30s)

alright so i just recently my younger cousin, who's 18 and about to start college, asked me about any advice I had for him before he goes off to school and it got me thinking: what the hell do I wish I knew when I was younger?? what would I tell my younger self??? so I figured, why the hell not make a video out of it. for the record, no one asked for this and there's nothing I hate more than unsolicited advice, but I figure if my stupid advice can help him, maybe it can help some of you too. and HEY this is a lot cheaper than going to therapy. just saying. godspeed fam. grateful for you all as always. CHAPTERS: 00:00 - INTRO 02:57 - REGRET EVERYTHING 03:26 - EMBRACE YOUR ALONE TIME 04:30 - THE MAGIC WORD 05:20 - KEEP YOUR EMOTIONS IN CHECK 06:12 - THE TRUTH ABOUT PEOPLE (DON'T BE TOO NICE) 07:56 - SELF-HELP IS A LIE 09:00 - COMMON SENSE IS UNCOMMON (AND THE ASSHOLE METHOD) 09:40 - LEARN YOUR LIMITS 10:08 - NO ONE REALLY CARES 10:44 - THE TRUTH ABOUT CREDIT CARDS 12:22 - STOP PROCRASTINATING 13:30 - QUESTION EVERYTHING & BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TRUST 14:45 - REJECTION LEADS TO CONFIDENCE #life #lifeadvice #advice #therapy