Demo Lec 1: Different types of cost |CA Inter COSTING Pre Result Bridge Batch 5.0 |Vinod Sir

Demo Lec 1: Different types of cost |CA Inter COSTING Pre Result Bridge Batch 5.0 |Vinod Sir

CA Inter COSTING- Pre-Result Bridge Batch 5.0 Bridge the gap between CA Foundation to CA Inter Build your basic concepts for CA Inter daily 2 hrs. max. Don't get lost in your new CA Inter classes Be 1-step ahead than others in this Bridge Batch Started from 3rd Feb. Daily Live on Zoom 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM Register Now: Step 01👉🏻 Registration Link - Step 02👉🏻 Join Bridge Batch 5.0 Vsmart Official Telegram Group - ( Lecture-wise schedule will be provided in Bridge Batch Telegram group) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Batch Highlights: 👩‍🏫 What you get from Bridge Batch 5.0? 👉🏻 Interaction with best faculties of their subjects+ 👉🏻 Build basics, fundamental concepts for CA Inter 👉🏻 More insights of CA Inter subjects , their level of difficulty 👉🏻 ICAI Expectations in CA Inter and how to prepare for New syllabus 👉🏻 what is case studies format how that relates to your course & ICAI Case study questions 👉🏻 Memory techniques to make your course easy 👉🏻 Effective time utilization - during CA Inter classes & during self-study 👉🏻 Mentoring Session: Hand Holding from Batch start till the day of exam 💬 For any inquiries Whatsapp US on 7773977747 📌 Check our Website: 📞 Helpline Contact: +91 7796868686 🔹️For more details visit the below links: 👉🏻Instagram:   / vsmartacademy   👉🏻Facebook:   / vsmartacademycacs   . . . . . . . . #vsmartacademy #vsmartacademypune #caclasses #caintermediate #cainterclasses #bestcaclasses #icaistudents #caonlineclasses #caonlinelectures #castudentlife #castudents #cainteronlineclasses #cainter #caintercosting #cost #costing