Bayonetta 3 | Yuzu EA Vs Ryujinx - Performance Test
Nesse vídeo mostro o desempenho do jogo Bayonetta 3 nos seguintes Emuladores: ►Yuzu Early Access 3676 "Advanced Graphics Settings": • "Accuracy Level: High" ►Ryujinx 1.1.893 Todos rodando em resolução nativa. Gravado com GeForce Experience. DEIXE SEU LIKE E SE INSCREVA PRA DAR UMA FORÇA! :) COMPARTILHE COM OS AMIGOS! Obrigado por assistir! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this video I show the performance of the Bayonetta 3 game in the following Emulators: ►Yuzu Early Access 3676 "Advanced Graphics Settings": • "Accuracy Level: High" ►Ryujinx 1.1.893 All running in native resolution. Recorded with GeForce Experience. LEAVE YOUR LIKE AND SIGN UP TO GIVE A STRENGTH! :) SHARE WITH THE FRIENDS! Thanks for watching! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup: CPU: i5 8600 3.1GHz (4.3GHz Turbo) 6/6 MB: H310M S2 2.0 Gigabyte VGA: GTX 1660 6GB Gigabyte OC Dual GDDR5 RAM: 16GB DDR4 2X8GB 2400 MHz HyperX HD: Western Digital 1TB PSU: 400w Corsair Vs400 80 Plus White Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper TX3 EVO OS: Windows 10 NVIDIA Driver 535.98