Giant Crepe Paper flower for decoration, Handmade flores de papel Crepe,rose DIY @PaperSaiarts
Tried making a giant Crepe Paper Flowers for room decoration using Italian Crepe Paper of 46 Cms without using glue gun.. Even for beginners this method will be very easy as in the method, you need not have to cut multiple petals and stick them with glue. You can cut petals in layers and tie them with thread. Size of the crepe paper used 2 layers(46cms height/60cms width), 2 layers(40cms height/54cms width), 1 Layer(32cms height/45cms width). Do let me know how it is, and we would be happy to hear from you #crepepaperflowers #giantpaperflower #giantpaperflowerwalldecorideas#Daisyflower #ganpatibackgrounddecoration #tissuepaperflowers#papercraft #crepepapercrafts#Paperflowertutorial #forbeginners #bigflower #oversizedflowers #flowermakingtutorial #crepepaperdecorationideas#homedecor #homedecorideas #homedecoration #nurseryroomdecor#decoration #handmade #paperflower #PaperSaiarts #pompomflower #tissuepaperflower #paperflowermakingideas #giantpaperflower #bigflower #partydecorationideas #flowermakingideas #flowermakingwithpaper #easyflowermaking #giantflowers #bigflowertutorial#giantflowertutorial#flowermakingtutorial#Floradepapelchino Timestamp Crêpe paper size& sheets needed 0:33 Folding of paper 1:10 Petal template making 1:36 Cutting layered petals 2:00 Sticking all layers together 3:11 Fan/Accordion folding and spreading petals 4:43 Making Centre 6:25 Adding center and stretching petals 8:32