I made a SECRET BASE filled with TRAPS in Minecraft! (Hide Or Hunt)
Today I am participating in a (private) hide or hunt season! Will my base survive or will I be the first one out? Keep watching to find out! Anyway, a huge thank you for RyanNotBryan making this possible! Also sorry for the late video, I was done editing on time but I wanted to do subtitles, not even halfway through, and a week later, I've decided to give up on the subtitles! Sorry! :( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you enjoy the video? Don't forget to like and subscribe! It really helps me and it gives me a boost! Join the public hide or hunt (Java) server now! Log into minecraft anywhere from the versions 1.8 to 1.16.2 (1.8 works best) and join via the server IP: hideorhunt.com and start playing today! Links: RyanNotBryan: / @ryannotbrian Ryan & Raven discord (have a chance of playing in one of the private Hide Or Hunts): / discord Official instagram (keep up to date and get sneakpeaks): https://instagram.com/mr_gamez_offici... Other: 🎵 All music provided by RunningPotato67 Help with subtitles [NOT GOOGLE TRANSLATE]: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_p... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for Watching! #HideOrHunt #Creepersedge #RyanNotBryan #FactionsRaven #Turton #Minecraft #gamemode #custom #MrGamez #Survival #base #factions #MrGam3zYT