Holy Eucharist Rite II - 5th Sunday After Pentecost  - July 2, 2023

Holy Eucharist Rite II - 5th Sunday After Pentecost - July 2, 2023

5th Sunday After Pentecost Holy Eucharist Rite II July 2, 2023 This service starts on p. 355 of the Book of Common Prayer. Here's a link to our online bulletin: www.standrewsamarillo.org/bulletins You can use this form to tell us if you're just visiting, new to our worship, if you'd like to get updates from St. Andrew's, or get more involved with our many ministries: http://www.standrewsamarillo.org/conn... FEEL FREE TO SHARE ON YOUR OWN TIMELINE OR PAGE. Livestreaming brought to you by our "Stream Team." Today's crew: Monica Hart and Mayzie Zinck Broadcast coordinated and produced by: Shannon Bertrand ** Hymns used in the service are licensed with OneLicense. RESOURCES: Link for online BCP https://episcopalchurch.org/files/boo... Link for prayer requests (like the card we normally have in the pews) http://www.standrewsamarillo.org/pray... Link for online giving http://standrewsamarillo.org/give/)