13 Super Specific Signs That Your Childhood Was Extremely Damaging

13 Super Specific Signs That Your Childhood Was Extremely Damaging

Join my free training ‘Build the real self you were never allowed to have’- https://jerrywise.ewebinar.com/webina... In this video, I share 13 super-specific signs that reveal how damaging your childhood may have been. Recognizing these signs will help you uncover the lasting effects of your early experiences and understand how they continue to impact your life today. This empowers you to start healing, break free from unhealthy patterns, and embrace a healthier, more fulfilling future. HERE'S HOW I CAN HELP YOU👇🏼 🆓 [START HERE] Join my free training ‘Build the real self you were never allowed to have’- https://jerrywise.ewebinar.com/webina... 🔥🔥🔥 ‘Road to Self’ Program: Join 10,000+ people who have transformed their life!- https://www.jerrywiserelationshipsyst... 🔥🔥🔥 Coaching packages- https://www.jerrywiserelationshipsyst... ➡️ RECOMMENDED PLAYLISTS: ** Break Free from Narcissistic Parents & Families-    • Break Free from Narcissistic Parents ...   ** Escape family roles (Scapegoat, hero, golden child, black sheep)-    • Escape Family Roles: Scapegoat, Hero,...   ** Overcome Toxic Guilt & Shame -    • Overcome Toxic Guilt & Shame   ** Going No/Low Contact with Narcissistic Family-    • Going No-Contact with Narcissistic Fa...   ** Build Your True Self-    • Self-Differentiation: Build Your True...   🌐 More free resources available on my website: https://www.jerrywiserelationshipsyst... ➡️ FOLLOW ME: Instagram:   / jerrytwise   Facebook:   / jerrytwise   Twitter:   / jerrytwise   Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3DKjGLp... Jerry Wise, MA, MS, CLC, has helped 10,000s of people heal from family dysfunction and become the true self they were never allowed to be. As a family systems and self-differentiation coach, he leverages 45 years of experience to help clients permanently break free from family-of-origin dysfunction, cultivate healthy relationships, and build a strong sense of self. ***DISCLAIMER: THIS VIDEO IS NOT INTENDED TO SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING. BE SURE TO CONSULT A PROFESSIONAL TO HELP YOU INTEGRATE AND UTILIZE THESE CONCEPTS.***