Cheap Chicken Waterer for Winter that Resist Freezing Even Off Grid

Cheap Chicken Waterer for Winter that Resist Freezing Even Off Grid

Cheap Chicken Waterer for Winter that Resist Freezing Even Off Grid. This video show a cheap chicken waterer I created that prevents water from freezing (without electric) down to 20F, uses 3W of electric down to 10F and uses 63W of electric down to temps below 0F. I also show several of my traditional waterers and discuss some of the problems of keeping them from freezing. Want to Help Out a Small Business?? If you are local you can support our small business by buying plants at You can also help us by shopping on Amazon just by going through our storefront! As an Amazon Associate, I earn commission from qualifying purchases. There is no additional cost to you! Our storefront at Amazon is located at this link: Buying from either location helps our business produce more content for you. If you like this blog post and want to find out more about Great Escape Farms check out our Great Escape Farms Overview Here you get an overview of all the wonderful stuff we are involved in. Also, sign up for our email list at the bottom of the linked page. Great Escape Farms is now on Patreon! You can support us for as little as $1. If you enjoy our work and want to help support us, please check out our Patreon page at:   / gef  . 0:00 Intro 0:41 The Best Solution for 20F or Higher 1:48 Below 20F Solution 2:26 Below 10F Solution 4:19 Some Other Solutions (That don't work well) 5:46 Outro #chiken #chickenwaterer #chickencoop