From Zero to Hero in Red Dead Online with 9 Lives Only
I created a new character to go from zero to hero in Red Dead Online. And as additional challenge I will have only 9 lives. My goal is to reach rank 100, buy and level up all the Roles and complete the story of RDR2 Online - all that in 14 days. I will show the process of leveling up in great details, so this can be considered as a complete step-by-step guide for Red Dead Online Beginners. 0:00:00 - From zero to hero in Red Dead Online 0:00:44 - Creating a New Character 0:02:00 - Optimal Settings and Free Outfit 0:03:58 - Day 1. Earning gold for the first role 0:10:11 - Land of Opportunities Missions 0:15:14 - Treasure Maps 0:18:56 - Day 2. Buying a Bounty Hunter Role 0:24:26 - Etta Doyle: the Easiest Legendary Bounty 0:26:39 - Day 3. Prestigious Bounty Hunter License and Infamous Legendary Bounties 0:32:00 - Day 4. Leveling Up Bounty Hunter Role 0:34:54 - Day 5. Ranking Up 0:38:30 - Red Ben Clempson on Max Difficulty 0:41:22 - Day 6. Buying Trader Role in Red Dead Online 0:42: 11 - Leveling Up Trader fast 0:43:28 - Buying Moonshiner Role 0:47:40 - Day 7. Upgrades for Trader Role 0:49:43 - Day 8. Trader and Moonshiner Deliveries 0:55:19 - Day 9. Buying Collector Role in RDR2 Online 0:57:56 - Distant Trader Delivery 0:59:45 - Day 10. Grinding 4 Roles at Once 1:02:11 - Day 11. Buying Naturalist Role 1:03:09 - Day 12. Leveling Up Naturalist 1:08:27 - Day 13. Legendary Animals 1:11:14 - Day 14. The End Best Ability Cards in RDR2 Online: • ALL Ability Cards Ranked And Explaine... 20 Worst Purchases in Red Dead Online in 2025: • 20 Worst Purchases in Red Dead Online... Red Dead Online Interactive map: https://jeanropke.github.io/RDOMap/ Collector's Map: https://jeanropke.github.io/RDR2Colle... Join this channel to get access to perks: / @pvpcat Or Support me on the Patreon: / onlypvpcat My twitter: / onlypvpcat #reddeadonline