Advantages & Disadvantages of Being Labeled "Autistic"
Feel free to email Mark Hutten, M.A. to schedule an appointment using Zoom: [email protected] Downloadable programs: --- Interpersonal Relationship Skills: eBook and Audio Instruction for Male Partners with ASD— https://www.neurodiversemarriage.org/... --- Living with ASD: eBook and Audio Instruction for Neurodiverse Couples— https://www.livingwithaspergerspartne... Coaching services for autistic male partners: --- Zoom Group for ASD Men Struggling in Their Relationship with an NT Spouse: https://www.adultaspergerschat.com/20... --- Zoom Group: ASD Men’s Master Class: https://www.asdmasterclass.com/2022/0... Coaching services for neurotypical female partners: --- Zoom Group for Neurotypical Women Struggling in Their Relationship with an ASD Spouse: https://www.adultaspergerschat.com/20... --- Zoom Group: Recovery from Cassandra Syndrome for Neurotypical Spouses: https://www.cassandrasyndromerecovery... Coaching services for the ASD + NT couple: --- Zoom Group for Neurodiverse Couples Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder: https://www.adultaspergerschat.com/20... Individual coaching services: --- One-on-One Sessions for Struggling Individuals and Couples Affected by ASD: https://www.adultaspergerschat.com/20... Access to “Members-Only” videos: --- Get your perks here: / @markhutten Parenting resources: --- Parenting System that Reduces Problematic Behavior in Children and Teens with ASD Level 1: https://www.myaspergerschild.com/2019... --- Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism: https://www.high-functioningautism.co... --- Discipline for Defiant Teens on the Autism Spectrum: https://www.myaspergersteen.com/ --- Preventing Meltdowns and Tantrums in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: https://www.autism-meltdowns.com/ --- Launching Adult Children with ASD Level 1: How to Promote Self-Reliance: https://www.launchingadultchildren.com/ --- Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management to Kids on the Spectrum: https://www.social-skills-emotion-man... --- Unraveling The Mystery Behind Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: https://aspergers-mystery.blogspot.com/