REGISTA | The Midfielder Who Controls The Flow Of The Game
[Ebook] T.A.F: Building the Model: • TAF: BUILDING THE MODEL Regista is a role, typically assigned to midfielders, that demands qualities such as refined technique, game vision, decision-making, long-range passes, ground passes, among other abilities. This role originates from Italian football, and not coincidentally, the most famous example of this tactical role's application is Pirlo, one of the great players in Italy's history. 1. Book Total Football - A graphic history of the world's most iconic soccer tactics: https://amzn.to/40kEeK8 2. Coaching Transition Play - Full Sessions from the Tactics of Simeone, Guardiola, Klopp, Mourinho & Ranieri: https://amzn.to/3n6Sbg5 3. Zonal Marking: From Ajax to Zidane, the Making of Modern Soccer: https://amzn.to/40ul84i 4. Football's Principles of Play: https://amzn.to/3FJNLSP 5. Football Tactics and Strategies for Senior Players: https://amzn.to/3FKqFvw Share this video: • REGISTA | The Midfielder Who Controls... REGISTA | The Midfielder Who Controls The Flow Of The Game