प्रेग्नेंसी के तीसरे महीने में 7 बाते ध्यान रखें #pregnant #pregnancy #pregnancytips #garbhsanskar

प्रेग्नेंसी के तीसरे महीने में 7 बाते ध्यान रखें #pregnant #pregnancy #pregnancytips #garbhsanskar

Is video me maine PREGNANCY MONTH 3 ( प्रेगनेंसी का तीसरा महीना ) ke baare me baat ki hai. Third month of pregnancy ke baby developement, symptoms ke baare me bhi baat ki hai aur kya dhyan rakhna hai uske baare me baat ki hai. #Pregnancy #Month3 प्रेग्नेंसी का तीसरा महीना होता हैं बेहद खास - प्रेग्नेंसी लक्षण, शिशु विकास, शारीरिक बदलाव, डाइट और सावधानियां. 3rd month of pregnancy in hindi. गर्भावस्‍था का नौवें सप्‍ताह, गर्भावस्‍था का दसवें सप्‍ताह, गर्भावस्‍था का ग्यारहवें सप्‍ताह, गर्भावस्‍था का बारहवें सप्‍ताह | In The Third Trimester: Weeks 9-12 - In this Video, we will discuss everything you need to know about weeks 9 to 12 of your pregnancy, including baby development, changes in the mother, essential tips, and a diet plan to keep you and your baby healthy. Baby Development During these four weeks, your baby will grow from the size of a Peas to Strawberry, approximately 1 inches to 2.5 inches in length. The major developments that occur during this period are as follows: Week 9 During week 9, the baby's eyelids begin to fuse together, and the fingers and toes are distinct. The baby's facial features, including the nose, mouth, and ears, are also developing. Week 10 The baby's organs continue to develop, and the liver begins to produce bile. The bones start to harden, and the baby's teeth buds form in their gums. Week 11 In week 11, the baby's digestive system starts to work, and the intestines move from the umbilical cord to the abdomen. The baby's genitalia start to develop, and the baby starts to practice breathing movements. Week 12 The baby's reflexes start to develop, and the baby can now curl their toes and fingers. The baby's vocal cords begin to form, and the baby starts to swallow amniotic fluid. Changes in the Mother Pregnancy tips in Hindi/India Garbh Sanskar Pregnancy Yoga Pregnancy diet in India Prenatal care Pregnancy week by week Pregnancy exercises Indian pregnancy routine Pregnancy myths and facts Pregnancy meditation Healthy pregnancy tips Baby care during pregnancy Indian pregnancy nutrition Pregnancy mental health Labor and delivery tips Pregnancy spiritual practices Indian home remedies for pregnancy First-time pregnancy guide India Pregnancy trimester guide Hashtags #PregnancyTips #PregnancyCare #IndianPregnancy #PregnancyDietIndia #PregnancyYoga #GarbhSanskar #PregnancyJourney #HealthyPregnancy #PregnancyWeekByWeek #PregnancyExercise #IndianMoms #PrenatalYoga #PregnancyAdvice #PregnancyNutrition #PregnancyMeditation #PregnancyRoutine #PregnancyWellness #PregnancyHealth #MotherhoodIndia #ExpectingMothersIndia