Lung Abscess Treatment, Symptoms, X-ray, CT Scan Findings, Diagnosis, Medicine Lecture, USMLE/NCLEX

Lung Abscess Treatment, Symptoms, X-ray, CT Scan Findings, Diagnosis, Medicine Lecture, USMLE/NCLEX

Lung Abscess Treatment, Symptoms, X-ray, CT Scan Findings, Diagnosis, Medicine Lecture, USMLE/NCLEX In this video on lung/Pulmonary abscess symptoms causative organisms types of abscesses and treatment and management of lung abscess have been explained in detail. Lung abscess lecture is a part of my video series on infectious medicine lectures as well as pulmonology lectures. Lung abscess or pulmonary abscess is one of the very high yield topics of usmle and NCLEX exams. Chapters: (Clickable) 0:00 Intro 0:17 What is Lung Abscess 0:44 Types (Primary & Secondary) 3:20 Clinical Presentation 4:01 Location of Abscess 4:45 Chest X ray Diagnosis 5:10 CT Scan Diagnosis 5:39 Treatment 7:29 Interventional Therapy 8:37 Checklist 8:59 Complications 9:23 Summary Pneumonia Lecture Video:    • Pneumonia (Community & Hospital Acqui...   FOLLOW ME ON :) Instagram:   / docwaqasfazal   Facebook:   / drwaqasfazal   SUBSCRIBE TO MEDNERD FOR MORE INTERESTING VIDEOS Infectious Medicine Playlist:    • Infectious Medicine Lectures   Cardiology Lectures:    • Cardiology Bootcamp Lectures   Neurology Lectures Playlist:    • Neurology Lectures   Emergency Medicine Lectures Playlist :    • Emergency Medicine Lectures   TOXICOLOGY/POISONING LECTURES:    • Toxicology/Poisoning Lectures   #lungabscesspathology #lungabscess #lungabscesstreatment #lungabscessmedicine #lungabscessmedicinelecture #lungabscessinternalmedicine #lungabscessusmle #lungabscessnclex #lungabscessxray #lungabscessxrayfinding lung abscess ct scan,lung abscess diagnosis,lung abscess management,lung abscess surgical,lung abscess medical surgical nursing, pilmonology Lectures