[목로주점]Mokro Jujeom line dance(High Beginner) ㅣ목로주점 라인댄스 ㅣ 루나 라인댄스 ㅣ이연실ㅣluna linedance

[목로주점]Mokro Jujeom line dance(High Beginner) ㅣ목로주점 라인댄스 ㅣ 루나 라인댄스 ㅣ이연실ㅣluna linedance

4 Tags(4C), No Restart 3Wall(06:00), 7Wall(06:00), 9Wall(12:00), 13Wall(12:00) Count : 32 Wall : 4 Level: High Beginner Choreographer : LUNA LineDance(Nov 2021, KOR) Music : 목로주점(이연실) by 혜화동 로터리(7080대학로 히트가요모음), 발라드공장(8090 베스트모음집) #목로주점라인댄스 #임영웅 #이연실목로주점 #linedance #lunalinedance #루나라인댄스 ※I have no right to this music, and I have no intention of copyright infringement This video content is provided only for information and educational purposes ※ ⭐🍓Luna Line Dance Channel⭐🍓 LUNA Line Dance I 루나 라인댄스