Reactors Reacting to the JOKER MAKING A PENCIL DISAPPEAR | The Dark Knight

Reactors Reacting to the JOKER MAKING A PENCIL DISAPPEAR | The Dark Knight

Subscribe for more: ----- 0:00 Intro 0:03 CineBinge    / @cinebingereact   0:30 Addie Counts    / @addiecounts   0:51 The Mirandalorian Reacts    / @movieswithmiranda   1:19 Reelin' with Asia and BJ    / @reelinwithasiaandbj1   1:43 Suzy & Steejo    / @suzysteejo   2:08 Centane    / @centane   2:28 Natalie Gold    / @nataliegoldreacts   2:39 Diegesis    / @diegesis   2:54 Alyska    / @alyska   3:09 Mentally Gone Reacts    / @mentallygonereacts   3:29 Rico Presents    / @ricopresents   3:47 TnD Multiverse    / @tndmultiverse   4:03 Magic Magy    / @magicmagy   4:26 The Perfect Mix    / @theperfectmixx   4:41 Stef Solari    / @iamjuststef   5:05 Those Siblings    / @thosesiblingss   ----- #reactionvideos #reactionvideo