Primary Class Memory Verse Recitation | Global Children’s Day 2025 #SDAChurch #GlobalChildrensDay
📖Join the Primary Class as they confidently recite their memory verses for the quarter during Global Children’s D ay 2025! 🎉📖 These young hearts are growing in faith, declaring God’s promises, and sharing His love through His Word. Their recitation is a reminder of the importance of teaching children to memorize and live by the Scriptures. What a beautiful way to celebrate the future generation of faith! 🌟❤️ 🎥 Be blessed as you watch these little ones shine for Jesus! 📌 “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” – Psalm 119:11 💬 Don’t forget to like, comment, and share this inspiring presentation! #GlobalChildrensDay #MemoryVerseRecitation #SDAChurch #PrimaryClass #RaisingGodlyChildren #TrainUpAChild #SDAKids #BibleVerses #GodsWord