REDIRECT! Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: Season 3 Episodes 35, 36 and 37 reaction

REDIRECT! Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: Season 3 Episodes 35, 36 and 37 reaction

OLIVIER KILLS RAVEN AND SELIM IS PRIDE- THE FIRST HOMUNCULOUS! Wow I did not see that coming...Selim is one creepy ass child with shadow paralysis jutsu lmao. Edward, Al and Olivier figure out that the map that shows the entire nation is in fact one giant transmutation circle. We learn that there have been lots of wars and riots in different areas which are being used as pinpoints to make this giant transmutation circle in the hopes of creating an all-Homunculous army. Edward tells Olivier to trick Major Raven and then kills him before he could gain his immortality and all-immortal army, gaining his position as boss. Then we get to see some backstory of Hohenheim with Edward, Al and Trisha and how he wanted to find a cure to his homunculous body and had to leave his family so Ed and Al do not find out. Then a massive shadow attack happens in the tunnels slashing and killing so many of the soldiers at Briggs which was most likely Pride. Selim then reveals to Hawkeye that he was the first Homunculous ever made and tells her with his shadow paralysis jutsu that he'll be watching her from now on. That's some creepy ass Olivier is a badass. Here is the link to my reaction: JOIN my Facebook group: LIKE my Facebook page: