2023 A Case for the Old Testament, Joseph to Moses Israel in Egypt, Genesis Chapters 47 50
In this week's class presentation we are concluding our study in the book of Genesis by covering answers for Genesis chapters 47-50 and the period of time that begins Israel stay in Egypt, along with the deaths of Jacob (Israel) and Joseph. We will also take a closer look at the prophecies and blessings Jacob bestows on his sons whose families will become the tribes of Israel during the Exodus, and most importantly, the prophecy of Judah fulfilled in Jesus! As part of the apologetics for this time period, events and major players, we are recommending Timothy Mahony's "Patterns of Evidence" documentary series and we will now focus specifically on the first one simply called "The Exodus." Each week’s class includes prayer, an “apologetics” presentation, a review of last week's Bible study, and a homework assignment. To make comments or ask questions go to the truthfaithandreason.com website. You will also find the presentation notes, Bible study questions and additional resources there as well.