Erythropoiesis (Red blood cell formation)#medical #physiology #redbloodcells #hematology #stemcells
Erythropoiesis is the process by which red blood cells are produced. The main site of production of red blood cells is the bone marrow. After several divisions it becomes a reticulocyte and enters the bloodstream, where it matures as a red blood cell. The whole process takes about 7 days and Erythropoietin, a hormone secreted by the kidneys regulates this process. Click here to know in detail about hematopoiesis (the process by which all formed elements of blood are produced) - • Hematopoiesis - how new blood cells a... #erythrocytes #leucocytes #platelets #redbloodcells #medicalstudent #medicaleducation #blood #bloodgroup #blooddonation #bloodgroups #bloodtest #medicaleducationingeorgia #neet #foreignmedicalgraduate #foreignmedicalstudents #science #easylearning #erythropoiesis #revision