13 Crypto Coins That Will 15x Early 2025 (URGENT AF)

13 Crypto Coins That Will 15x Early 2025 (URGENT AF)

The biggest potential alt coin move in history is starting. You need to move LITERALLY right now if you want to catch the first wave. Twitter = @ zssbecker, DISCLAIMER & Mention videos : Guide To Timing Selling (Exit Right) :    • SELL! EXIT ALL Crypto & Bitcoin Befor...   Micro Cap Trading Guide :    • How To Make 100x With TINY Crypto Coi...   My Top AI Alt Coins :    • TOP 11 AI Crypto Coins That Can 25x B...   My Top Gaming Coins :    • TOP 9 Gaming Cryptos That Can 100x By...   INVESTMENT AND INCENTIVE DISCLAIMER -For a list of coins I advice/consult/have heavy investment in please see my 2024-2025 holds list linked in the BIO of my Twitter/X (My X profile listed above and linked to on my Youtube channel). I of course want these coins to go up and have incentive to talk about them. Part of my fund is advising crypto start ups, thus I am a paid advisor for many projects I discuss. FULL LIST again is in my Twitter/X bio. DISCLAIMER IN ENGLISH Hey this is Becker. I appreciate you reading this. It's important. I love talking crypto, sharing what I am looking and making you laugh. That said I CANNOT STRESS how dangerous crypto is and how likely you are to lose money. I have done dozens of polls over the years. USUALLY 85-95%+ of people that try crypto LEAVE IN LOSS. If you are new to this your chances of leaving in profit are EXTREMELY low. Because of this my #1 suggestion is DO NOT TRADE CRYPTO. If you do make sure its with low amounts of money because the odds are you will lose it. Please ALSO know A) The coins I mentioned have NO GUARANTEE of working out. I do EXTREMELY high risk trading on my channel. These coins WILL crash hard at the end of the run. Many will even crash due to various things like hacks, bad PR or even being straight rugs. I do my best to avoid these but it happens in low caps. THUS I SUGGEST A) DO NOT TRADE CRYPTO B) If you are new/can't afford to lose big stick to the top high market cap reputable coins. B) I PLAN TO SELL ALL MY COINS AT SOME POINT. I WILL NOT ANNOUNCE IT. While I do my absolute best to not sell coins that I have recently mentioned (I have sold 2 out of 50+ coins I hold in the last year for example)...I will 100% sell my coins when I think the market is getting to a good sell point, overheated OR if I see an imminent crash coming. These coins are NOT SAFE investments. Most of them do nothing. These are high risk bets on crypto narratives for fast short term profits. The goal is trade in and sell before a market crash and run for the hills. I am NEVER implying you should hold or treat these coins as serious investments. This can happen fast. I like you want to leave in profit and if you are in these coins I will be selling at your expense JUST like you would do to me if you saw a good chance to sell. This is dark. I get that. But this is crypto. I want to exit in profit and I want you to too. However that is not always the case and I want to be COMPLETELY transparent with you about my intent, what I hold and my sell strategies (which are all over this channel) This is why I STRESS DO NOT BUY COINS I SUGGEST IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO TAKE THE RISK OF BEING OPPOSITE TO ME IN A TRADE. I provide tons of strategies to find your own coins. C) I kind of suck at this. I've made a lot of money, but Ive lost a bunch of money too in bad coins. If you copy trade me I do not imply or suggest you will get good results. I am GAMBLING on this market and hoping it works out. I am not a trading expert or financial advisor. Even if my trades do win you should EXPECT to lose big on a few of them, as is the nature of crypto. In conclusion : I want you to win. This in mind CRYPTO is a financial gamble and almost guaranteed to lose you money your first few years in it. Even experienced traders/investors get wiped out here. I also plan to sell coins that I mentioned on this channel so if you are in coins I am in I could MAKE money at your expense. If any of this sits badly with you PLEASE do not trade crypto, buy coins I mention. I am not even that good at trading. Hugs n kisses. Legal Lawyer-Like Disclaimer DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that I am not a professional advisor in business areas involving finance, cryptocurrency, taxation, securities and commodities trading, or the practice of law. The information and content written, broadcasted, and/or disseminated by and through "Alex Becker, Alex Becker Channel" is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Nothing written or discussed is intended to be construed, or relied upon, as investment, financial, legal, regulatory, accounting, tax or similar advice, nor should it be. All content expressed, created, and conveyed by "Alex Becker, Alex Becker Channel" is premised upon subjective opinions pertaining to currently-existing facts readily available.