(中文/FR/en-sub)How is Caring for Others the Same as Caring for Myself?왜 남을 위하는 게 나를 위하는 건가요?
행복학교 정토불교대학 정토회 #사랑 #봉사 #미움 #원망 #마음 为什么说 “为他人就是为自己” ? #爱 #奉献 #憎恨 #埋怨 #心 🔻 Find more at the following links: 🔻 All Jungto Society’s social platforms: How is Caring for Others the Same as Caring for Myself? #love #hatred #suffering You mentioned caring for others is caring for ourselves Even though it doesn't make sense to me, I do want to help others So your explanation would be very helpful