Rid of White Mold on Plant Soil - Harmful to Houseplants?

Rid of White Mold on Plant Soil - Harmful to Houseplants?

The white mold in your house plant soil is essentially harmless. A lot of resources state that this white mold is harmful to the house plant but that’s not true. The white mold is just feeding on the decaying matter in your plant soil. The reason you don’t have to worry it’s because soil is decaying matter and it’s just inevitable to sometimes get mushrooms and mold growing. To remove this white mold on your house plant soil all you have to do is physically stir up the mold into the soil or just remove it with your hand. The only harmful saying that this white more brings is it’s a nuisance to look at. Other than that it is completely harmless and you don’t have to worry about the white mold that’s growing on your plant soil. Other Video -    • Remove White Mold from Houseplant Soil   Feel free to check out our social media platforms as well! And please like and subscribe.