Blessed Assurance - Soprano Joung HyeWook 축복의 확신 English & Korean captions
This hymn by Fanny Crosby has been all time favorite for so many followers of Jesus Christ In Korea it is made to be the Korean hymn #204 (예수로 나의 구주 삼고 Making Jesus as My Saviour) but alas the Korean translation does not reflect the Blessed Assurance this hymn sings about Korean version sounds somewhat of Armenian flavor And so Youshine@youshine com tried his utmost to come up with a faithful translation close to the original lyrics Fanny wrote Desiring his viewers to be blessed of the Lord as they read the words spoken as this congregation sing out the hymn, YouShine gladly added English Lyrics and Korean translation of mine into the video which was originally posted here on YouTube com by Faith for The Family Enjoy! 이 찬송가는 구원의 확신을 노래하는 찬송인데 한국에선 "예수로 나의 구주 삼고 (한국찬송가 204)"라 번역하여 자유 의사 교리(Armenian)의 찬송 같이 들리기에 유샤인이 보다 원본 가사에 충실한 번역을 시도했다 If anyone wants to view the original English lyrics side by side my Korean translation, please click the link below