Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel 🌹 Day 8
With our deepest intentions, let us pray the Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Our Lord Jesus never refuses His Mother. Mary appeared to St. Simon Stock and gave him a brown scapular, representing part of her garment as a special protection. She calls all those who wear the scapular to consecrate themselves to her in a special way. ☀️ Pray Next 👉🏻 CATHOLIC Morning Prayer: • Catholic Morning SHORT Prayer JULY 20... Subscribe to this channel: / journeydeeper Support this nonprofit ministry: https://journeydeeperprayer.com/produ... Explore our website of handcrafted rosaries and more! https://journeydeeperprayer.com/ Subscribe to our Newsletter, as well as receive Novenas to your inbox.: http://eepurl.com/iJOGwA Become a Journey Deeper Prayer Community Patreon: https://journeydeeperprayer.com/produ... SUBSCRIBE to our Journey Deeper en español channel: / @journeydeeperespanol #ourladyofmountcarmel #journeydeeper