In this video we are solving practical and additional questions Q-44,45,46,47 of class 11 from ch 18 RECTIFICATION OF ERRORS from DK goel book(2024-25). Join our telegram group:-Telegram Link:- Playlists Link:- CH-18 RECTIFICATION OF ERRORS    • RECTIFICATION OF ERRORS | CLASS 11 | ...   CH-16 DEPRECIATION    • DEPRECIATION | CLASS 11 | CH-16 | DK ...   CH-15 BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT    • BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT | CLASS...   CH-14 TRIAL BALANCE AND ERRORS    • TRIAL BALANCE AND ERRORS | CLASS 11 |...   CH 18 RECTIFICATION OF ERRORS CLASS 11 | DK GOEL | Q-44,45,46,47 | SUSPENSE ACCOUNT | PRACTICAL QUES #rectificationoferrors #rectification #errors #dkgoel_solution #dkgoel2025 #class11accounts #accounts #accountancyclass11 #ch18 #pacificaccounts #practicalquestion #additionalquestions #accountssolution #class11accountsinenglish rectification of errors class 11 | rectification of errors class 11 suspense account | rectification of errors class 11 practical problems | rectification of errors class 11 english | rectification of errors class 11 accounts | rectification of errors class 11 questions | accounts rectification of errors class 11 | trial balance and rectification of errors class 11 | suspense account in rectification of errors class 11 | trial balance and rectification of errors class 11 numerical questions | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 before trial balance | rectification of errors class 11 commerce | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 cbse | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 commerce | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 cw | ch rectification of errors class 11 | ch rectification of errors class 11 practical problems | class 11 accounts chapter 17 rectification of errors practical problems | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 full chapter | class 11th accounts ch rectification of errors | rectification of errors class 11 dk goel | rectification of errors class 11 dk goel solutions | how to do rectification of errors in accounting class 11 | dk goel rectification of errors class 11 | dk goel rectification of errors class 11 illustration | rectification of errors class 11 exercise | rectification of errors two sided error class 11 | trial balance and rectification of errors class 11 full chapter | rectification of errors for class 11 | journal entries for rectification of errors class 11 | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 dk goel | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 hindi medium | how to solve rectification of errors class 11 | trial balance and rectification of errors class 11 in hindi | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 in hindi | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 practical problems | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 suspense | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 journal entry | class 11 ka accounts ka chapter rectification of errors | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 numericals | ncert rectification of errors class 11 | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 numerical | questions on rectification of errors class 11 | rectification of errors chapter of class 11 | solutions of rectification of errors in accounting class 11 | rectification of errors class 11 practical questions | practical problems rectification of errors class 11 | class 11 accounts chapter rectification of errors practical problems | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 practical questions | rectification of error class 11th question | rectification of errors class 11 solutions | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 solutions | rectification of errors class 11 theory | trial balance and rectification of errors class 11 suspense account | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 undercast | rectification of errors with suspense account class 11 | rectification of errors one sided error class 11 | class 11 accounts chapter 17 rectification of errors | rectification of errors in accounting class 11 two sided | two sided errors | one sided errors | prepare suspense account |