Is Sweden’s Healthcare System good?… How it works? how to contact Doctors? What are the Challenges??

Is Sweden’s Healthcare System good?… How it works? how to contact Doctors? What are the Challenges??

In Sweden, the healthcare system is decentralised, which means that it is managed and run either by the regions, local authority or municipality. Health, medical and dental care is divided into public and private sectors. In this video I have explained in Details, How can you contact or reach out to doctors, nurses or Midwives.. How much it can cost you & my overall experience of living in Sweden n visiting hospitals. Every county council, local authority or municipality is responsible for managing and prioritising its own healthcare resources. As a result, the type of healthcare services available may vary. Please note, all the experiences, views are personal. It is not an opinion from any experts :-) #stockholmcity #sweden #lifeinsweden #newintown #swedenhealthcare #healtcare #medicalcareinsweden #summer #summertrip #summervacation #summervibes #summerdrink #midsummermadness #travel #sweden #stockholm #stockholmcity #stockholmsweden #traveling #newintown #kungstagarden #lifeinsweden #indiansinstockholm #swimming #swimmingpool #hiking #hikingadventures #valborg #avicci You can find more related content here.. How to get Sweden's PERMANENT RESIDENCY?Eligibility 4 PR. Will Gov Abolish PR? Who will be impacted?    • How to get Sweden's PERMANENT RESIDEN...   Sweden's Politics & Election 2022. Voting Rights at General/Riksdag election, Municipal & County.    • Sweden's Politics & Election 2022. Vo...   EnglishGarden MunichGermany-1of D Largest InnercityGarden in World..Central Surfing location4Surfers    • EnglishGarden MunichGermany-1of D Lar...   Time4 Warm Clothes & Cold nights.WINTER S COMING. Changing colors of Autumn2whites,Snow bliss 2 👁️ 19 Must Have APPS in Sweden. Without these APPS in ur Mobile You will not LIVE COMFORTABLY in Sweden BUYING HOUSE in Sweden?? Here's complete process. HEMNET, BIDDING, CONTRACT.Challenges after MOVING-    • BUYING HOUSE in Sweden?? complete pro...   European Kabaddi Championship 2022. JOURNEY of Pioneering Swedish National Kabaddi team in Sweden.    • European Kabaddi Championship 2022.  ...   A DAY trip to MUNICH...BEST THINGS to do in MUNICH, Germany -    • A DAY trip to MUNICH...BEST THINGS to...   Neuschwanstein fairytale castle, made by Mad King.. EIBsee Lake @the base Germany's Highest mountain -    • Neuschwanstein fairytale castle, made...   Summer vacation-    • MIDSUMMER in Sweden For the 1st Time....   Houses in Europe- Finding accommodation in Sweden.. Useful guide when moving to a new place/new House.- How to get Swedish Personal Number??why is Swedish ID is Important ?? Registration with Skatteverket- Must visit place in Sweden/Stockholm- kungsträdgården Cherry Blossom.... Hiking Spectacular mountains of Sweden... Wilderness of Northern Mountains.- Benefits of working & Living in Sweden- SWEDISH PENSION SYSTEM....How Swedish pension system works?- Flea market in Sweden- Indian restaurants in Sweden- Tax Declaration in Sweden- Unemployment benefit in Sweden Womens day in Sweden- 10 things about working in Sweden- Finding jobs in Sweden- Ikea Store Visit- Houses in Sweden- Accommodation In Sweden - Packing List - Travelling During Corona- https:/ 5 Steps after moving to Sweden- #sweden #tax #taxdeclaration #taxes #taxation #sweden #taxstrategy #lifeinsweden #indiansinstockholm #travel #summer #traveling #swedenkidiary #swedenissue #indiansinsweden #swedeninformativevlog #stockholm #stockholmcity #stockholmcity #stockholmsweden