Queen of the North | Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 33 + 34 | The Normies Group Reaction!
The Elric Brothers prepare for the North! The Normies review and discuss the episodes after the reaction. We react to Episode 33 "The Northern Wall of Briggs" and also Episode 34 "Ice Queen". Chapters: 00:58 1. Episode 33 Reaction 16:36 2. Episode 33 Discussion 25:41 3. Episode 34 Lead-Up 25:59 4. Episode 34 Reaction 39:41 5. Episode 34 End Discussion BECOME A MEMBER: Get 6 WEEKS AHEAD on all shows, exclusive movies and vote on what we watch: https://www.thenormies.com/ Commenter Badges/Perks: / @thenormies MERCH: the-normies-shop.fourthwall.com TOKYOTREAT: Use code “THENORMIES” to receive $5 off for your first #TokyoTreat box through my link: https://team.tokyotreat.com/TheNormies ART OF TEA: Artoftea.com | Use the code NORMIES for 10% off SEND US LETTERS/GIFTS: PO Box 785 Fishers, IN 46038 FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: linktr.ee/the_normies #fullmetalalchemistbrotherhoodreaction #anime #hulu