2022 AP Biology FRQ Exam – Full Explanations by Teacher
Hey All, here are explanations to the 6 FRQs on the 2022 AP Biology Exam released by college board that took place on May 11th, 2022. I truly hope this is helpful to whoever is watching! Remember, these are “proposed answers” as of now as the scoring guidelines have not been released yet (will be released on Tues July 5th, 2022). If your answers do not match, it doesn't mean they are wrong, many times on AP scoring guidelines, they can accept multiple answers. If I am wrong (which I may be - sorry), please comment below to help us all out! Thanks for your understanding. Here is a link to the 6 FRQ questions released by College board I will be covering in this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZY8y... Here is a link to get access to Scoring Guidelines, Student Written Samples, and Score Distributions from Collegeboard (after scores released on Tues July 5th): https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/co... **This video & the information within it is not created or endorsed by CollegeBoard. 0:00 - Introduction 2:46 - Reading/Intro of FRQ #1 7:45 - Answers of FRQ #1 17:23 - Reading/Intro of FRQ #2 19:29 - Answers of FRQ #2 27:33 - Reading/Intro of FRQ #3 29:05 - Answers of FRQ #3 31:46 - Reading/Intro of FRQ #4 32:34 - Answers of FRQ #4 35:56 - Reading/Intro of FRQ #5 36:44 - Answers of FRQ #5 40:22 - Reading/Intro of FRQ #6 42:44 - Answers of FRQ #6 45:16 - Thank You & Ending Words Mr. Chow Podcast #106 Video Title: 2022 AP Biology FRQ Exam – Full Explanations by Teacher #apexam2022 #apbio #apbiology #apbio2022 #apbiology2022 #2022apbio #2022apbiology #apexam #highschool #testprep #APCourses #apexamtips #studytips